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Need a Keep / Sweep?

Posted: 14-07-2006 10:47
by Gecko``
Hi I'm Gecko, I have played on the pubs for months now and think I'm ready for pickups and more. I can keep or sweep but keep preferably. If interested is my email or you can add me on Yahoo Messenger / Windows Live Messenger because they both work together :) I will also be using irc soon too.

I dont mind being a sub or backup keeper! and I have played a few pickups and been told I am decent which is good to hear :)

Thanks! xx

Posted: 14-07-2006 10:57
by Achilles
Well once you get irc working and join the pickups you should have no problem getting a clan.
I personally can't help you further at the moment cause iam on holiday ;) but once i get home(next week), and you need any help just shout for Chilly :D

Posted: 14-07-2006 12:28
by fb.shev
in the UK hmm...

well jus join #dbpickup on quakenet, add if youre good youll get a clan... if youre not so good it will wont be long till you do

Posted: 14-07-2006 15:19
by Gecko``
Thank-you =) xx

Posted: 16-07-2006 10:20
by Messy
Stop running away when people mention anal licking :(

Posted: 16-07-2006 15:34
by Gecko``
ewww :devil: thats so horrid Messy!

Posted: 16-07-2006 16:27
by DavidM
color helps finding people faster!

Posted: 16-07-2006 23:27
by fb.shev
DavidM wrote: color helps finding people faster!

colour too!

Messy likes the anal licking.......personally, i dont know how guys can withstand the humour

Posted: 16-07-2006 23:57
by Gecko``
colour is pretty =)

Posted: 17-07-2006 12:05
by DavidM
humor or humour?

Posted: 17-07-2006 17:03
by fb.shev

Posted: 20-07-2006 09:26
U'll Find One Soon Geko ;) Ur A Good Keep!

Posted: 22-07-2006 15:07
by Orney
Yep gl :)