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World Cup Vote 2

Posted: 22-06-2006 02:40
by DavidM
Now that you've actually seen them play, vote again, who will be champion?

Posted: 22-06-2006 09:47
by [GR]Kermit
Quarterfinal is the end for the german team. Argentina!

Posted: 22-06-2006 09:59
by Isil
Hmpf.. still for Togo ¬_¬

Posted: 22-06-2006 10:03
by GoldenGun
I think Italy can do it.
Especially if totti would get injured.

Posted: 22-06-2006 10:13
by Messy
Don't cry for me!

Posted: 22-06-2006 10:40
by kewangji
no1 voting for me? (swe)
why not?

Posted: 22-06-2006 11:09
by Fragger
Which fags voted for england? :p

Ghana will obviously win...

Posted: 22-06-2006 12:29
by bloodeh
We wont lose against mexiko in quarter kermit :D

Posted: 22-06-2006 14:12
by DavidM
funny, no votes for brazil this time.

Posted: 22-06-2006 14:23
by Cenotaph
Here's hoping for a portuguese win, but i still consider Germany the favorites so i voted for them.

Posted: 22-06-2006 15:05
by meep98324
Hey, the USA hasn't been eliminated yet, where's that choice?!

Anyway, I voted for Argentina, they looked the best so far.

edit: nevermind. Ghana ftw!

Posted: 22-06-2006 15:32
by BunnyS
Which fags voted for england?

ahem ! o/

Sure their chances get slimer and slimer as more players get injured lol but I shall stay loyal and go for the same choice as last time :)

Also after seeing Argentina play yesterday ... not so sure, as it goes on and get's tuffer they might lose out ! But if I had to chose based on who is likely to win, I would go for them otherwise it's gotta be England \o/

Posted: 22-06-2006 16:55
by The_One
I voted for England in a foolish bout of patriotism.

Posted: 22-06-2006 17:18
by filipa_lpg
:PI was the first to vote!:D

Posted: 22-06-2006 17:19
by Cenotaph
That explains the vote for Portugal :D

Espero que tenhas razão :P