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Boost Indicator

Posted: 04-05-2003 17:26
by R3L!K
I think we need a boost indicator, like we have a pass to me one. Maybe a green coloured symbol or something.

Posted: 04-05-2003 17:33
by theberkin8or
^^^^my idea they said they were going to put it in but never did :x

Posted: 04-05-2003 17:41
by Surge
ever considering right clicking so your head flashs to tell the person behind you to boost?

Posted: 04-05-2003 17:52
by Kyllian
Bah, never works, at least on pubs
Even standing in front of the person doesn't clue them you wanna be boosted

Posted: 04-05-2003 18:12
by R3L!K
i do try that surge. I think people are a bit thick. Having said that, there's no reason why they would pay you any more attention if you were flashing green instead of yellow i suppose.

Posted: 04-05-2003 21:12
by Feep!
i think a 'boost me' signal is obsolete.

a player, equipped with a standard brain, will pass to you / boost you when it is appropriate, not when a triangle is flashing.

besides, i have no unused buttons left ;)

btw... a little red/blue text note that tells you the name of the player that boosted you would be nice!


Posted: 04-05-2003 22:21
by TEZC-Rage
inside the main DB texture file there is a logo that looks like the normal 'pass me' triangle, but with 'boost me' written across it, so im sure it's gonna be added in the future.

Posted: 05-05-2003 00:31
by Diab
what about a marker that appears under your player arrow, aka on the person? :P

"KICK ME" in a round road sign like look lol.

Posted: 05-05-2003 15:16
Nice Idea, hope it gets implemented soon, for all the nubs sake.

Posted: 05-05-2003 15:22
by DavidM
its was planned 2 months ago, and the logo is ready to be added too
just our lazy bunch of coders...ugh :D

but now we got a new one, maybe we can finally add it now

Posted: 05-05-2003 15:35
by Larc
i made a bind to one of my keys that both does a team say ">>Boost Me<< and renames me to ^^BOOST^^

my hopes were that this would show up in my nametag...
the name changes on F1, but it does not change in the name bubble :/ oh well!

... and then on release of the button it changes my name back to normal.

Posted: 05-05-2003 16:08
by DavidM
heh, thats also a way
but this will be better:

Posted: 05-05-2003 22:03
by DaJero
It's on the to-do list and not that hard to do. The only question I got is what button to assign to the boost me icon :)

Posted: 05-05-2003 22:35
by Diab
will that be big to see? the green/yellow ones that come standard are quite smal to see if theres text on it.

Posted: 06-05-2003 05:09
by DavidM
well, either a new one, or one we dont need.
Any clue?
Then in the Deathball settings tab you need to add some new buttons to assign