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Better then RHCP's :o

Posted: 02-06-2006 12:35
by BunnyS
The RHCP's better watch out as this dude is hot on their heels :D ... %20stop%20

p.d I just had to :)

Posted: 02-06-2006 15:35
by GoldenGun
oh noes.

Posted: 02-06-2006 15:59
by Mighty Midget
No, he's under their heels, and so he should be. It's awful ! Please, make it stop!!


Posted: 06-06-2006 18:59
by Messy
I was physically unable to watch this start to finish.

Posted: 07-06-2006 01:03
by Chrispan
Messy wrote: I was physically unable to watch this start to finish.

too true.

Posted: 07-06-2006 02:14
by BunnyS
you LOVE it ! :D:D

tbh I linked it in irc and everyone hated me for doing so :) and someone asked if I could play it ..... I couldn't at the time but about an hour later I could do much better then this dude ever did ^^