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Posted: 30-04-2006 11:44
by slimshady
Very important question :

What are/is your favorite book(s)?!

La Peste by Camus
L'Ecume des Jours by Boris Vian (Jazz composer by the way)
Leon l'Africain by Amin Maalouf
The Old Man and the Sea by Hemmingway
My Beautiful Orange Tree by Vasconcelos (brazilian author)

i think that's all ...

Posted: 30-04-2006 13:07
by fb.shev
Havent completed a book in my life.

oh wait tell a lie...

Biff and Chip went to swimming
Biff likes swimming
Spot came along too
Spot stole Biffs Swimming trunks
Oh Noes, What will Biff do?
Aha He finds them
Biff and Chip put on their goggles
And go swimming
The End

i think it was something like that, sentence a page....

I was going to get made to read a Lestat book by anna rice... but it was whether i got back with my fiancé or not....

Posted: 30-04-2006 13:12
by `Ghost`
I loved Biff and Chip :>

erm, Lord of the Flies is good o/

Posted: 30-04-2006 13:15
by fb.shev
`Ghost` wrote: I loved Biff and Chip :>

erm, Lord of the Flies is good o/

I like demonology...I really want to read Mephistopolis...but nvm.

Posted: 30-04-2006 13:16
by `Ghost`
I have no time for reading imo

Posted: 30-04-2006 14:19
by Messy
I've mostly read Dutch literature (as well as some English classics and some greek and german philosophy) /o\

5 (edit: six) favourite books (in bold) in no particular order:

- Nescio (Dichtertje mainly, Titaantjes, Uitvreter and Mene Tekel as well, in that order...but tbh they all belong together)
- Gerard Reve (De Avonden <3)
- Christopher Marlowe (I liked Dr. Faustus, Tamberlaine's stories aren't too exciting compaired to Faustus; I guess he wrote these texts as plays, but they count as literature just as well)
- Shakespeare (Hamlet I've always liked best; MacBeth, Othello, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo & Juliet and Julius that order I guess; Yes, I know they were written as plays as well ;))

And in the not-quite-what-you-meant-but-still-important-in-literature-category:

- Nietzsche <3 (I've only had the time to read Der Antichrist and Ecce Homo completely so's hard to find proper books for reasonable prices over here..besides, I'm reading enough of him in uni the next couple of years I think <3)
- And a sixth place for Plato I guess (most Socratic dialogues - I like Apology and Symposium - obviously; haven't read Republic yet :()

Posted: 30-04-2006 15:03
by fb.shev
is the faust novel written in english? or german?

oh god if my fiancé could post... ¬_¬

Posted: 30-04-2006 15:19
by Messy
'Faust' by Goethe is prose, and written in german.
'Dr. Faustus' by Christopher Marlowe, in a decasyllabic Blank Verse with a jambic metre, is written in english :)

The latter you can read fully on the internet (which is quite handy).

Posted: 30-04-2006 15:29
by fb.shev
wow, confusing but cool

edit: must buy this book...

So it's Doctor Faustus? no Faust?

Posted: 30-04-2006 17:38
by speedy
hee hee biff and chip

Posted: 30-04-2006 21:27
by slimshady
damn , Messy is the only intellectual here..

Posted: 30-04-2006 21:53
by speedy
oh i didn't know you have to have several different favourite books to be intellectual

Posted: 30-04-2006 22:17
by Messy
slimshady wrote: damn , Messy is the only intellectual here..

No I'm not :| I just read books. wtg

ps: You could have expected the DB-people to say stuff like that :D
/me is waiting for more notpronners :o

Posted: 30-04-2006 23:09
by BunnyS
Let's see , I mean some of the all time greats have already been mentioned .... who can top "Biff and Chip" <3

Other great works I admire are Vogue, Cosmopolitan...... nah seriously it's hard to pick favourites. I could list the obvious classics and favs but nothing you wouldn't have already heard yeah I will go for my most recently read, good books :)

A Starter For Ten - David Nicholls (not much as far as storyline goes but it's funny :D)

A Child Called It - Dave Pelzer (alot of controversy surounds this book, regarding how much truth is within it, either way it was shocking to read)

Mr Nice - Howard Marks (a really interesting autobiography, hard to really sum it all up in a few lines, as there is alot to mention when it comes to Howard Marks but worth checking out)

Also just finished reading The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho, which is the sort of book you can read and forget or really learn something from.


Posted: 30-04-2006 23:29
by Mighty Midget
Right now it's D.A's Hitchiker's Guide. For some reason I never got to So Long... I'm determined to climb that wall now. Later, I'll learn how much determination's worth:)