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Posted: 01-05-2003 19:49
by CurvE
Ja, its me... :ban: :spammer: :lol: ? :\

Posted: 01-05-2003 22:06
by Requiem
nevermind ur name, still love U o// ;)

Posted: 01-05-2003 23:43
by CurvE
Your the only one that does \o/

Posted: 02-05-2003 07:19
by L33FY
Well...I think I speak for others when I say thats a bit gay no?

Posted: 02-05-2003 11:16
by GraGoyle|ZBN

Posted: 02-05-2003 12:59
by fro
errr.. wtf?

as in Diem who used to play for [1234]? :confused:

either way, good luck in finding a clan :)

Posted: 02-05-2003 15:26
by Khushdi
hes in X froste :lol:

Posted: 02-05-2003 15:46
by fro

i could of sworn i read that X had died and he was looking for another clan :)

ah well :)

Posted: 02-05-2003 16:26
by [1234]Jr
He *was* in 1234

on trial

infact.. when i found it who it was, i wasnt happy.. not angry, i was actually quite ill..

the thought that in a few more weeks.. we could, in 1234, had a twat and a clan whore in curve... its sickening...really... to think i actually liked you :\


...i feel dirty...


"what a tosser, eh?" as mae wud put it


And froste, as long as there are n00bs in the world of DB, their is a clan for Curve

Posted: 02-05-2003 16:47
by Maegrim
german eh?

Posted: 03-05-2003 05:15
by CurvE
And that noob clan 1234 attracted me so badly :]

Clan whore?
Name them :) you'll find out that i've only been in 2 the whole time \o/

Posted: 21-05-2003 11:34
by [123/4]Flak
A HA HA HA it's Diem what a wanka!! 1234...noobs?? you're the one with the bent name!! First Class Fag Bag...

Posted: 21-05-2003 11:42
by Rens2Sea
omfg, diem was quite nice O_o
but curve == diem? o_0

pinch me :|

Posted: 21-05-2003 12:24
by Khushdi
w00t, im liked better than curve :lol:

Posted: 21-05-2003 15:00
by Cenotaph
Curvy, im shocked :@