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I TOO am leaving:(

Posted: 30-01-2006 11:56
by xiller8r
Naaah, hi.

Posted: 30-01-2006 14:53
by [GR]Kermit
Hi silly

Posted: 30-01-2006 15:16
by NoSexualFreak
you came back?

Posted: 30-01-2006 16:27
by Messy
Hi .o/

Posted: 30-01-2006 17:34
by xiller8r
Nope, just browsing the forums occasionally:)

Posted: 30-01-2006 19:17
by R3L!K
ello dude

I kinda drop in occasionally too

Posted: 30-01-2006 19:57
by FeEdiKo
hi to you too!

Posted: 30-01-2006 20:40
by Holy_Surfing

Posted: 30-01-2006 21:46
by Messy
! :D

Posted: 30-01-2006 23:30
by R3L!K
heh the old gang!

I really ought to start gaming again I think.... thing is I only have a laptop these days..... :s

Posted: 30-01-2006 23:31
by speedy

Posted: 30-01-2006 23:50
by Axl

Posted: 31-01-2006 02:21
by Catalyst
TEZC ftw

Posted: 31-01-2006 09:44
by StRaFe
Would sure be nice to see all the deathball players come back once again :>

Posted: 31-01-2006 12:34
by xiller8r
I've meant to a few times but got lost regards what version you're all on nowadays, what do you play now? Uber goal mode?