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The Biggest Cunt of the community

Posted: 12-09-2005 15:40
by Shigeru
Every1 calls me the biggest cunt in the community, but deep in their hearts they know that im actually a very nice person. They truly think that other peepz are more cuntish (is that a word?) than me.

So here's a pole.

If you dare to say who you've voted (I know where you all live tbfh) then explain why you've voted.

Posted: 12-09-2005 15:44
by DavidM
we all know that bb is the man. you try to be cool by being a fagg1t etc, boring shit. bb is really just an idiot and he doesnt even notice it himself. he wins.

Posted: 12-09-2005 15:45
by `Ghost`
take Khushdi out you bully, btw yes i voted for you snot face

Posted: 12-09-2005 15:48
by Shigeru
I feel like winning for once.

Anyway, I cant edit the poll anymore :D

Posted: 12-09-2005 15:49
by `Ghost`
I think a ban for Shigeru's inappropriate material (avatar) is in order

edit: Other aka Lasse

Posted: 12-09-2005 15:51
by Shigeru
Oh sorry, I think ive hurt your feelings cuz you never see one. Hazel's ass is too far away for you :( Poor you, it drives you crazy :mad:

But I wont change it anyway

Posted: 12-09-2005 16:18
by Sixty
Admins of, I am 9 years old and very offended by shigeru's avater. I will now grow up in sexual frustration and become a perverted peadophile when I grow up.

ps. reported.

Posted: 12-09-2005 17:03
by GazMaN
oooooo interesting, i wouldnt say shig`s the biggest cunt, but i havnt been around for a few months so wat the fuck do i know.

But some interesting memories when you think of some of those names.

Plenty of cunty moments!

Posted: 12-09-2005 17:29
by Dazlin
Phew im not on that list :)

Posted: 12-09-2005 17:30
by Shigeru
GazMaN wrote: oooooo interesting, i wouldnt say shig`s the biggest cunt, but i havnt been around for a few months so wat the fuck do i know.

But some interesting memories when you think of some of those names.

Plenty of cunty moments!

<3, Ive only become more gentle m8

Posted: 12-09-2005 18:10
by `Ghost`
Shigeru wrote: Oh sorry, I think ive hurt your feelings cuz you never see one. Hazel's ass is too far away for you :( Poor you, it drives you crazy :mad:

But I wont change it anyway

fuck you :confused:

edit: request that particular post of Shigeru's be deleted

Posted: 12-09-2005 20:26
by Messy
It's funny how the old anti-heroes (being Khushdi and DavidM) are now all (or should be ;)) considered nice guys :)

I voted DJDriveBy, how come I'm the only one? :eek:

ps: Don't you dare vote sixty or I'll come and beat you up >:( big Grrrr!

Posted: 12-09-2005 21:09
by RaGe|DB
>;/ I was gonna vote sixty but now messy is being evil

Posted: 12-09-2005 21:13
by NoSexualFreak
i vote other.

Posted: 12-09-2005 21:50
by DavidM
me being an old anti hero? i've always been your hero ffs :S
