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TFO is recruiting for DBL AMERICA

Posted: 16-04-2003 09:11
by TFO_ThePimpImp
Team Falcon Online is in DBL AMERICA DIv 3 but will be moving up to div 2. We also are entering another team after this season. WE will be splitting into TFO west and east. Where the actual geograhpical split line is doesn't matter too much but their will be two teams. W need players from all over North America right now, but mainly we need people from the central or western parts.

Our irc server is channel #teamtfo

Our site is and deathball topics are posted in the "PC Gaming and More" forum which you will need to be given access to by an admin, but just ask in the falcon's lair for access.

People in charge of recruiting are me TFO_ThePimpImp (for west and central) and TFO_MrRage2U (for east). Feel free to contact me by email: if you are interested also. Any TFO member will help you out if you are interested in joining though so if you are interested and see another member just ask them about joining.

We really need some offense from central and west but any people wantign to join will be considered.