Body volley.. shot or not?

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Body volley goal in volley only games?

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Body volley.. shot or not?

Post by Surge »

Today durring Smallcube Sunday on the RusH Server we encountered a little problem we like to call "the body volley of n00bness"

Now, the real purpose of this is to ask what every1 thinks about using the body volley as a valid shot in volley only games. Its much easier and much more accurate but is it fair. some think yes, some think no. I personally believe that if its not used for shooting then what else is it good for?

The uses of body volley that are near 100% and have no real flaw to them are (that i'v found) shooting and making the other teams keeper get self goals but running at them and body volleying pases/shots back into their net.

So, should body vollies be legit in Volley Only games or not and if not what the hells the purpose of them?
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Post by themachine »

They hardly work half of the time for me.... it just picks it up. But you can hardly call them a volley :confused:
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Post by jet2lag »

hm ... imho they are still buggy ... sometimes they work sometimes not ....

but yes i think they should count as volleys
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Post by GazMaN »

ya i think so!

like in footy, if the ball rebounds off u and goes in, its a perfectly legit goal!!

sure its a lil different here, but same theory!!

i scored 1 tonight and looked cool :)
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Post by The_One »

i think they need to be toned down though. i've seen the ball whizz around small cube like a pinball after one.
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Post by Larc »

i think they should count... but htf do they work? half the time i get a little dribbler that doesn't make it to keeper.

the other half it goes wizzing out of control

so sometimes i have to aim up to even make it to the net, and sometimes when i do that it goes way over the goal...

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Post by night »

the whole 'body volley' thing is ghey to begin with
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Post by Fooman »

Never liked it. Just like n00b cannon...takes no skill.
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Post by f1end »

IMO...body volleys are harder to pull off that a normal volley...and anyway...i like to think of them as headers rather than body-volleys...and I have hardly seen them used at all...never in a volley only game i don't think.
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Post by DavidM »

"body volley" = bounce

plz dont come up with so many crappy names 0_o
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Post by Maegrim »

like bounce isn't one :|
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Post by DavidM »

we've called it bounce since its there
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Post by f1end »

well i have called it a header since it was introduced so ner ner ne ner ner :P
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Post by Robotojon »

DavidM - what have you got to say about the bounce volley only working some of the time ? Is it an extension of the shoot bug ?

Nothing worse than running into the box, going for a bounce volly, only to find youve caught it, and the keeper is about to hammer you to death

Also, i noted that when it doesnt bounce volley, as soon as you let go of 2nd fire, its "bounces" then
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Post by DavidM »

now this has nothing to do with the shootbug

dunno why it doesnt always works, seems to have to do something with the time the ball is flying and the angle to the bouncer