Clan Laming

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Clan Laming

Post by Khushdi »

Before, during and after a clan match i have played today, i have seen a lot of laming from clan .:AoV:. . this has really annoyed me and i am sick of their laming. stuff like this really annoys me:-

before the game began i was abused by a former member of AoV (now in D@MN):-

STFU moaning Khush you prick :P
posted by N3M3$!$ @ 10.04.2003


Khushdi is a fagg0rt who dislikes AoV coz we kicked him coz he's such an annoying and whining LITTLE PRICK0r ... I only wish FS would be smart enough to see that ... XiLLeRaToR left coz of Khush and look where he is now ... TEZC ...
posted by Xsyloc @ 10.04.2003

then he goes and kick-bans me from his irc channel:-

* You were kicked from #AoV.ut2k3 by Xsyloc (EAT SHIT & DIE BUT NOT IN OUR CHANNEL, banned 12‹2412›)

and even more name faking by .:AoV:. :-

Hello ...
woo im gay and i wanna quit fs wooo wooooo
posted by kushdi @ 10.04.2003

Comment by im so fuckin gay!
lo all as u all as gay as gay can be, and if we loose tonight, i didnt play!
posted by Khushdi @ 10.04.2003

Comment by Khushdi
I just hope to mother jesus, that, .:AoV:.Gazman is gay, so i can suck his sweet cock.
posted by Khushdi @ 10.04.2003

I want an end put to this once and for all, that clan should be banned for all that abuse!

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Post by Axl »

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Post by Cenotaph »

WTF? khush u know damn hell what u've done to us

we got tired of u!!!

u r not a victim nobody likes u, not only .:AoV:. but everyone in the f***ing DB community

this thread made me real pissed off

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Post by [1234]Jr »

As if you never post shit like that?

Ok then, i want Glacius and the clan(s) he's in all banned

While ur at it, lets ban every clan cos every clan has insulted another

So dude.. i doubt they need bannin, ur buddies been postin shit all over the place, they shud be banned, but they're pussies who post under stupid names and darent show their real self..

:ban: ? no.. :lol:@this shit.. yes :D
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Post by NaB »

I whole heartedly agree.........................

with everything said about Khushdi above. If there was a button I could press to make him disappear from DB, I’d press it.
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Post by Axl »

tbh Khushdi u brought it all upon yourself with your big headed-ness :s - only gotta play against u on a pub server to see what i mean there :s
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Post by [1234]Jr »

i suggest this thread be closed before every registerd members posts hate on him :(
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Post by Sarevok3k »

You say we should ban clans/people who are insulting others? so we should maybe ban you first ! oh and totaly agree to NaB.... I didnt have much contact with you but that was enough to dislike you (khushdi)...
//my 0.02€
Last edited by Sarevok3k on 10-04-2003 21:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

word jr, word...

now let the tezc-d v pp clan laming commence
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Post by f1end »

i like every1 :)
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

-_- it's sad :/
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Post by f1end » i lied
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

:o you don't like robban? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Go Buy some robban t-shirts and thongs... donate them to the ppl of iraq (as in the words of chrisfu) to REDEEM YOURSELF!!!
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Post by .:AoV:.Nighty »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :spammer: :lol: :lol: :lol:
unlucky khushdi ... no one likes u
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Post by Xsyloc »

/me clears throat ....

Khushdi, I really wish u'd grow up... for those who think AoV is being lame in this conflict ... you're totally wrong... so if ur interested, I'd like to clear AoV's name with telling the whole history...

I met Khushdi on a public DB Server when he was still in a clan called F6 or something ... I asked him to join, he refused saying F6 would "own the crap out of AoV" and then he started naming some of my members and how he'd have "owned the crap out of them" ... so I left him alone, but we exchanged msn adresses... A few days later, I received an e-mail message from Khushdi stating that he'd left F6 "coz they sucked too much" ... and he asked me to join AoV... I rapidly agreed, because he's actually a good player... so he joined our ranks ... we all played with him on the publics, but he behaved like a total J*rkoff ... he laughed at people who weren't as good as him, he started namecalling goalie's who let a goal in etc. etc. ... so the AoV members met in a private IRC channel and voted to kick Khushdi or not ... the vote was unanimous ... 11-0 to kick Khushdi for bad behavior ... Cenotaph, who imho disliked Khushdi the most ... got the honours of kicking Khushdi ... Khushdi immediately started flaming the entire AoV clan, even the other (non-deathball playing) divisions... so I banned him from our IRC ... 5 minutes later, I saw him talking to some people from the trinity ( ||| ) ut/ut2003 instagib clan ... telling them not to play vs. the instagib division of AoV ... telling them how lame we were etc. etc.... and I reacted, and I started telling khushdi what I thought of him, resulting in me getting temporarily banned from the Trinity channel...

All in good will, I tried to ignore Khushdi, and so did the rest of AoV ... but then, lady luck determines FS|0 ( the clan he joined after getting kicked from AoV ) is in the same DBL group as AoV ... and FS|0 won all their matches vs. us I believe, they're a good clan, and they are really cool & friendly, except Khushdi ... Who came into our channel each time AoV lost from FS|0 to tell us how much we sucked ... and each time I banned him again ...

now, today, AoV beat FS|0 in an official DBL war... and what does Khush do ? he comes into our channel, talking sh*t ... and starts posting what a "crap map" LowCube is ... and that we should take more interesting maps ( like the FS|0 homemap or something ) ... and since we don't like him, we react to his flames ...

Bleh, that's a lot to type isn't it? LOL ... I apologise for my typing, and maybe even my immatureness, but I'm only 15 and I'm from the flemish part of Belgium where we speak dutch ;)

Meaning of this message: Don't think AoV is lame, just play with khush for a while and u'll see what a git he really is ...

~A sleepy clanleader ... over and out...

P.S.: Plz don't delete as I would like the people to read it :)