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I don't like it anymore

Posted: 03-05-2005 08:17
by vucaralo
When I started playing this game 4 weeks ago I was delighted with ideas that DavidM had for making riddles and his humor. I was a bit disappointed with couple of last positive levels 'cause I thought David has lost inspiration but I continued the game 'cause I wanted to finish it. And I got to -30 level where no hints on forum are allowed. It's imposibble to play the game without hints 'cause there is a million ways to go and try to get the solution. That sucks big time, mainly because of this part:
<!--please don't help anyone to get here. same for the next levels. only very very close friends if you have to-->

From riddles where I had to think hard and get the solution from source or picture or both, now there is absolutely nothing to start with. From this quote above, it seems that I should write 100+ posts on this forum just to "make friends" and that somebody will tell me where to start? That sucks! I think that making friends of this forum is no way to make people play the game, it's repulsive, drives people off and destroys the will to go on with the game. I think nobody who solved levels -30 to (temp) end did it themselves, without help from somebody who was helped by somebody who was helped by DavidM.
And no, I'm not writing this post just 'cause I'm stuck and get no help, I'm just frustrated with the way the playing the game went, seems that the final levels are made only for handfull of people who know eachother. For all others, access restricted. I'm sorry that game went this way, it was great almost all the way. Two thumbs up for DavidM and all others for creating levels and ideas, but, like almost all movies, the end is disappointing.

Stay well

Posted: 03-05-2005 09:17
by supamom
I have to agree that is is disappointing that there is no longer any team work on the minus levels, but if it were not for all the cheats and walkthru mongers along the way, it would not be this way. I enjoyed the teamwork involved right up to when DavidM suddenly decided he didn't want any hints on the forums, and i told him so, but this is his riddle and i respect his wishes. I'm not at temp end yet, still solving -40, but i do miss the fun of brainstorming with others on how to proceed.

Posted: 03-05-2005 09:32
by vucaralo
supamom wrote: but if it were not for all the cheats and walkthru mongers along the way, it would not be this way.

DavidM should have known that people are people, somebody is always gonna post walkthroughs and solutions. I don't see the point of that, what fun is playing the game if you know the answer? Changing solutions is good way to beat cheaters, you can always fing a word (solution) wich means the same but it's differenet from the old one. Hints on forum are more than welcome, without that it's much less fun. Since I got stuck on level 6 or 7 (I don't remember wich one) and doscovered this forum, I started reading threads and posts, the game became much more fun 'cause I could see the way people think different about same things.

Posted: 03-05-2005 10:54
by DavidM
uhm wrong
I mainly wanna get it really hard now, starting with -30. Everybody should be left somewhere at some point where it's just too hard for him :)

Posted: 03-05-2005 11:08
by steviehouse
DavidM you dont want to offend the ladies out there do you? ;)

Posted: 03-05-2005 11:13
by vucaralo
DavidM wrote: uhm wrong
I mainly wanna get it really hard now, starting with -30. Everybody should be left somewhere at some point where it's just too hard for him :)

Are you saying that nobody who got to the temp end had no hints on level -30 and others? That's hard to believe, but if so, than congratulations to them

Posted: 03-05-2005 11:16
by DavidM
well some are stuck on a level for 1-2 weeks now. seriously...

Posted: 03-05-2005 11:23
by vucaralo
I believe you but you didn't answer my question :D

Posted: 03-05-2005 11:31
by Kisa
Your question said "nobody ... had no hints on level -30?" :)

i still like it

Posted: 03-05-2005 11:39
by notpronrulez
i'm totally with vucaralo,

The riddle is fun. Really. I'm addicted. much work was done by the team around davidM :p

at the moment i am really stuck with 72 since 3 hours, cause i'm very bad in handcrafts. I would have never gotten where without the hints pushing me in the right direction. I hate spoiling. If someone just gave me the un/pw or the .htm for a level, it would kill fun immediately. But on the other hand: I need the feeling that I'm progressing to keep going. And if I'm stuck in a negative level for weeks, because I just dont have any clue or possibility to get them, i will quit. And I will do it leaving notpron with a negative temper. what is the sense in it?

David do u really think u do good if u show the (good) riddlers their limits...? Well, maybe after that much ideas u run out of new approaches and u dont want have people that got through the whole game asking "when will u create new levels, quick plz". Thats ok and anybody understands this.

as vucaralo mentioned, in every game there are people what wish to cheat, and that u cant prevent. Let them do. It does not change what u have done for us all. those cheaters cant steal the feeling i get if i make it through a level by myself.

If the game progresses like this i feel like in old Commodore 64 times, when u really needed a trainer to play, because if u play normally u r dead in 5 minutes. where is the sense here? it was a revolution, when the games came up that could be solved to 100%! and the feeling if u get a level by your own thinking power is incredible, but this is killed if there is no progress for weeks, caused in a lack of hints.

I'm sure if u encourage people to create new levels (with your standards of course) it could be the solution for all this. maybe u r just tired of the high expectations.


Posted: 03-05-2005 11:41
by Lizardman
Vucaralo, in some way i understand you (hard without the forum), but it is possible to do these levels without hints.
I've done alone until -34 (stuck on -35 for days, maybe a week!) and only received a little hint for -32 (-34 is really great! :D ). Maybe these levels are more complicated, don't want to do they so fast!
(sorry for my english!)

Posted: 03-05-2005 11:46
by DavidM
new levels coming arent many
among 30 level submissions there is usually 1 good one :)
but seriously
getting deeper and deeper into it, I feel like we need to filter out those who arent that good.
or become that good and learn to live without these hints. i mean many people did it, its possible, and the levels are all super fair. thats highest priority for me every time.

Posted: 03-05-2005 12:26
by aic2276
@vucaralo - I understand your frustration, but with that being said, If it's too hard, then quit. Or maybe join the IRC chat. Don't join them for hints, but so you can bounce an idea off of someone. As david said, the idea is to weed people out like he did with the first 16 levels.

Posted: 03-05-2005 14:12
by vucaralo
No, I won't quit 'cause I'm curious how long it will take me. And I'm not frustrated, just a bit dissapointed. I still think it's not fair that some guys/girls get hints, some don't, but life isn't fair, right?
I'll stay here and try to solve it. If someone wants to send me a hint, don't :D

Posted: 03-05-2005 14:17
by Bazje
Try to make 'friends' in this forums......that won''t be very difficult. Maybe you can find some friends to do it together