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Minus Level Account Poll

Posted: 30-04-2005 10:58
by DavidM
Since the negative levels are so much work for me, without any profit to me, it doesn't really pay only being for 20-30 people or so (ok, a lot more in the beginning of the negatives, but in the very end...). I thougt about setting up accounts for every one, they would cost you some money, dunno how much. Easy payment via paypal, and there is your account which can only be used by you.

1. cheater free zone
2. reimbursement for all the work I have for your exclusive tempend riddler club
3. no retards down there, money is a perfect jerk filter

Tell me what you think, all of you. I'm not making a poll out of this, because it being anonymous would be no good.

If nobody is willing to do it, or only 5, you can expect notpron to end where it is now, or one level every 2 months, that's just how it is...

How much would you give away for your account?

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:00
by Bazje

Srry, but I won't pay for it. On the other hand it's ofcourse a pity when notpr0n comes to his end....

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:06
by theak
I'd have to see a final price...

...otherwise I'd consider it a personal vendetta to be the jerk who paid money, to be retarded.

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:07
by DavidM
How much would you give away for your account?

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:08
by angelsk
I bought the book.

It would depend on how much...... but I like to support things I enjoy.

Edit: I dunno, a tenner? (£10)??

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:20
Personally I doubt very many will pay, regardless of cost. There will be some, yes, look at Ronco, :lol: no one needs a pocket fisherman, and no one "needs" not pron. I am sure I among many who started this expecting there to be an end. I am also happy to see more and more levels, and now that I have found the temp ends, I am excited to have the chance to be the first to solve the new levels.

But money talks and there is always free somewhere...

I know that IF I could pay I would, but my bank doesnt support paypal, and If I had to list a price that I was willing to pay it would be no more than 5 dollars U.S.

And by counting your diminishing numbers as the levels get harder.... I don't think that would be enough for you.

Have you thought about sponsorship? You have enough posts per day to sell space to vendors. say forexample, between every 10 levels a quick page that is an ad for someone.

email me if you want more info on this...

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:28
by Springer
I can perfectly understand you thinking of this DavidM. The work you have put in already is TREMENDOUS. I would certainly be willing to pay but I do have the luxury of not being a very hard-up student.
Would it be a one-time payment? I would be willing to pay at least the same price as the book (which I am still reading BTW, I haven't got to the end yet!).

Edit: Oh, the sponsorship idea might be a good one. :p

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:32
by elvisyo
In general, although timing is a bit wrong for me, I'm voting yes for it because I think you do deserve it, but I can't name a fair price for the time and effort you and the others put into it. I also don't know what about those who can't pay for any reason. you do however know my take on the other solution.

So, in conclusion, if you'll find a majority for it, you can count me in, and for what it's worth, even if it'll fall here, I want to say a big thank you for all you've done for us.

Posted: 30-04-2005 11:56
by maestro
A difficult question. The problem with a fee is one doesn't know in advance how many levels one would get for whatever price is paid. And, the other side of the sword, you can't keep creating new levels all the time and get nothing back for it.

My first instinct is to agree with others: sponsorship. Maybe even getting the notpron book published and sold in bookshops. With the right kind of advertising, it could offset expenses.

Also, I think that you need to disregard our avid thirst for more and more levels, sooner and sooner. Screw us! You did this for (hopefully) fun and it should remain that way. Do it when YOU can, NOT when we want.

If a fee does come to pass, I feel it should be a one-time thing. Paying for upgrades all the time is a real downer. That being the case, I would be willing to chip in if the price was not higher than US 10.

Posted: 30-04-2005 12:10
maestro wrote: Also, I think that you need to disregard our avid thirst for more and more levels, sooner and sooner. Screw us! You did this for (hopefully) fun and it should remain that way. Do it when YOU can, NOT when we want.

:p VERY well said! :p

Posted: 30-04-2005 12:26
by Tholdos
I think it's fair to pay for what you get. Most good games on the Internet work with account stuff.
Don't know what I would be willing to pay, though.
I think that if the paying would be monthly, I would spend €1,- per month (with the guarantee of having a new riddle every week or so).
If you can't make any promises about the amount of riddles I think it would be best to make it a one-time payment (say, €10,-).

On the other hand BiGGBLiZZ's idea of sponorship might be a good one.

Anyway, hope you can keep it up for some more time, I'm still enjoying it. And thanks a lot for all the work you've put into it till now.

Posted: 30-04-2005 12:56
by DavidM
i plan a one time payment, for the ease and becuase i cannot promise X riddles a month

Posted: 30-04-2005 14:47
by junimond_
i would pay for it. but i dunno how high the rate is for online games. 10 Euro sounds fair for me, if i see the work and time which is behind it.

but i agree with maestro - 'Do it when YOU can, NOT when we want.'

Posted: 30-04-2005 15:04
by Veloxiraptor
I wouldn't say that money is a perfect jerk-filter. Having played a few MMORPGs, I am AMAZED by what lengths assholes will go to, just to be assholes.

Well, in any event, I'd probably pay, because I've made it this far, but $10 or so is my max.

Posted: 30-04-2005 15:25
by omgthisisimpossible
i dont suggest doing this. i mean there are other ways to stop cheaters (ip tracking) and other ways to get money (your book)

however, if forced to do so, id pay around $10, maybe 15 tops. any more, im quitting notpron