Lockon Strength Suggestion

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Lockon Strength Suggestion

Post by gnomeh »

This isn't anything real big but what if you made a lockon strenth variable. Much like dodge, where you can choose how fast/slow you can push the buttons for it to dodge. With this tho, have it so how far you have to move your mouse away from the person your lockedon to go to the next person. Just thought it might make somes things a little easier with this being able to be set to stronger/weaker.
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Post by FAT('.')BOY »

you mean like how in some drawing apps you can adjust the snap?

would be useful maybe
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Post by DavidM »

why not
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Post by Surge »

can you also make the persons beacon turn white or yellow when they're locked onto?
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Post by Cyph »

What, the big circle isn't enough?
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Post by DavidM »

its not...
when you try to pass back to a midfielder, 70% of the passes go to the keeper...just because its not exact enough
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Post by SpikeBall »

Hard to get used, but nice idea. Are you going to make it an option or default DavidM?
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Post by Fallen »

why is David now accepting every idea that comes our way now....oopss, he's listening to the community...OMG
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Post by f1end »

Maybe cos the ideas are getting better...
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Post by HerbalTea »

I like this idea and Surge's suggestion but instead of the coloured arrow, how about flashin the players name?! That would cut out any confusion.

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Post by YoYo789 »

u would still need a circle methinks, or arrows, or flashing people. Half the time I don't know which person i want to pass too (i can see the person but i'm not sure which defender it is, or similar) so it wouldn't help.
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Post by Larc »

related... but not, anyway... yesterday i had a lock on a teamate way down field turned away for a minute then tried to lock him again becuase he was open. no lock. i was curious so i started running downfield to see how close i had to be before i could get a lock again, it was many seconds of walking after a stationary target before i could regain the lock.

i assume this is a known bug... is there a list of known bugs?
normally bug lists aren't public but since we are all the beta testers maybe a whole bug list and bug forum *shrug* its not like we coudlnt fill it ;)
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Post by BL44T »

seems niceh to me..
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Post by night »

how about greatly reducing the right click speed when not locked.
its a bit easy/cheesy to just tap a button for an easy shot completely evading the intended shoot button with charge time and sound
Last edited by night on 17-04-2003 02:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cyph »

argh no! die! BAD idea. any sport in the world has the opportunity for a wound-up, time taking but accurate and powerful shot, or a quick one that's for when you're close. Removing that means goals from quick passing in and around the area would be reduced by about 90%, and not be a good thing.