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level MINUS 35

Posted: 10-04-2005 03:10
by theCrusifix
woot i'm first and now hold the big pen0r...

wait that sounds bad.

Posted: 16-11-2005 16:07
by DavidM
hi mods
nobody is supposed to get any hints after -32 \o/
you can listen to them, but nothing else :)

Posted: 19-12-2007 15:52
by Kisa
Really? I loved it :D And took only a few hours :)

Posted: 21-12-2007 17:46
by .:alamar:.
After having found 8 "things", i had a pal dig through a 200kb size file of possible solutions via an regular expression so ugly and big, that even if i wanted to spoiler, the char-limitation would stop me.


This kind of riddle is just not my bailiwick...


Posted: 17-04-2008 20:04
by cristi.falcas
is it to much to complain that I have to much <removed>?

Posted: 29-05-2008 19:04
by Faxter
AAAhh I'm sooo bad at <removed>
That will take some time -.-

Posted: 03-07-2008 22:51
by gamemastertips
Nice Level :D Did it in a few hours.

Posted: 17-08-2008 09:37
by Caym
completely stuck... I ran out of ideas... must reboot the thinking protocole :-) Ok, let's try again...

Posted: 13-05-2009 17:03
by carly
I've got 12 thingys and I can't seem to get any combination to work! I know you're not allowed hints, but could someone please check what I've got?

Posted: 17-05-2009 14:26
by carly
anyone, please? I've been stuck for months and getting nowhere!

Posted: 17-05-2009 15:55
by frkyjenn
You can pm me and tell me where and what you found and I'll see what I can do to help you

Re: Level MINUS 35

Posted: 20-01-2010 19:50
by rain74
I think I have everything, but can't combine them into a solution.

To make matters worse, I seem to have one too much, but one may or may not be an optical illusion ._.

By the way, is the next level always .php from now on, or should I try .htm?

Re: Level MINUS 35

Posted: 20-01-2010 20:18
by Cowley
Try both and always try all ways. I'm not supposed to tell you the amount of letters, but the level speaks for itself. :)

Re: Level MINUS 35

Posted: 21-01-2010 12:24
by rain74
Gah, this level has an abundance of information but I have no idea what to do with it... Everything I've tries fails. And then there are some things I just can't think of anything to do with. I probably need a break :)

Re: Level MINUS 35

Posted: 21-01-2010 17:35
by frkyjenn
Sometimes a break is a good idea. :)