This Is Why No One Plays Deathball

Everything about Death Ball.

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This Is Why No One Plays Deathball

Post by moby323 »

I am a huge fan of the game, love it, in fact because of me 4 of my friends have bought UT just to play deathball.

But here is the major problem with the game: the "veteran" players treat the new players like shit. Every day, every server, every game. Veteran clan players insult the "noobs", kick their ass, then rub it in their faces.

I was in a server today where it was 6 veteran players with clan tags (3 were from PITS, plus Alias and Duffman) vs. 6 "amateurs"

The final score was 16-1. When some of us on blue tried to ask for them to even the teams, the vetearans, led by the worlds biggest asshole- PITS Eso, just insulted us, told us to stop crying.

On top of that, the huge fucking dickhed PITS Eso would rub it in our faces every time he scored a goal. "HAHAH, OWNED!"

Wow, Deathball is like counterstrike, if you took the assholes in counterstrike and concentrated them to the power of 10...
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

welcome to 1.6
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Post by Gagamel »

Well i think i can call myself something like a veteran and i try to help and play with newbies, BUT if they
do not listen
are spamming
or behave like assholes
i can understand why some people evade to play with newbies

i think real vetrans, i mean the really old players, like Cata, Humble Ugly etc are really fair to noobs who are friendly too

fThe flaming guys arent really verterans (not all at least ;-))
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Post by Fragger »

Well, thats how it is... 80% of the community are retards. Everyone went through there the first time but now its getting worse.Just try and continue to play, there are some really nice guys out there, not alot but just enough to make u stay and play the game.

Cya around maybe :p
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Post by Robotojon »

dont worry about that retard Eso, other n00bs have come in here before complaining about him. I think you will find apart from a few of his bum chums most people think the same of him as you :)
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Post by theberkin8or »

yeah eso is a pos, same goes for most of pits tbh
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Post by DavidM »

tell us something new :)
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Post by PITS|Phoenix »

Not all of us are arse holes. I have my days, I know that. But it is unfortunate that some of the older members of the community continue to say all of PITS is bad seeds when there are several of us trying to change that impression. We started off shaky, but with the exception of a few we are trying to make that impression different. But when the older member, who the newer members look to for answers, bash the pits members then the newer members think it is cool to bash us too. Then we respond and we are arse holes because of it. It is just a shitty circle that I wish the PITS members that are trying to change were not stuck in.
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Post by Scotteh »

omg davidm posted w00t :D
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Post by XiD »

its hard to get a good rep going when you have kids like esor doing stuff like what moby described on a daily basis. i know that i go into the pub and normally dominate, but i try my best not to rub it in people's faces. the only time i get pissed at a new guy is when he simply doesn't try (sits in a corner and crouches, for instance)
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

stfu xid you fat fag

i pwn you

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Post by Jelly »

True true true true true!11
Moby i dont know u but <3
If any of u meet a n00b just tell him to go to and i will take care of them. But please please, treat the newcomers better, i even think that americans are nice to noobs compared to europeans. Shame on u all!
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Post by Messy »

theberkin8or wrote: yeah eso is a pos, same goes for most of pits tbh


Eso isn't representative for clan PITS imo.
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Post by Weisso »

the people you are talking about aren't exactly "veterans" in the sense of deathball, since they haven't really been around all that long in the scheme of things. they're sorta in between vet and noob, not knowing what to act like, so they act like assclowns o/

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Post by Negative9 »

Messy wrote: Nein!

Eso isn't representative for clan PITS imo.
Agreed... while i consider myself to be "okay" at DB and have been playing forever, i still lookup to the really good players and most everyone on PITS kicks ass. My rule while playing is never down a player and always say something positive when they do good.

It does kick ass though when its a noobs first/second day and they actually pwn a vet. :-p