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Posted: 01-04-2003 05:05
by Killing_U
My first post :devil:
To all DB players: i am neither smart or skilled to do this so i am asking sumone else I believe DB needs CHEERLEADERS , just a bunch of animations or static meshes that move would defenitely do the job:) sumone please invest some time in this and make 'em sexy i think all agree

Posted: 01-04-2003 05:20
by Surge
i dunno.. those big fat jumping guys in the crowd are pretty sexy... :lol:

Posted: 01-04-2003 05:37
by Killing_U
epic could have done a bit better w/ that crowd they should put a topless chick like at spring break or woodstock or my bedroom :)
cheerleaders would attract the younger crowd :)

Posted: 01-04-2003 05:57
by beefsack
thats up to the indavidual mapper, but its not a bad idea. it would take a bit of work.

Posted: 01-04-2003 06:00
by Surge
not really... you could very easily make cheerleader with an animated gif then transfer it over to make the animation frame by frame. If your 1/2 decent in flash and want to help us all out (sexually) make a good animated cheerleader and export it as a gif and i'm sure someone will be happy to decompile it frame by frame and make some secksy cheerleaders!

Posted: 01-04-2003 06:04
by theberkin8or
who needs chealeaders in game when i can just come to the forums and look at surge's sig :D

Posted: 01-04-2003 11:19
by FlawLezZ
Cheerleaders / lesbians

Ya make it :D

btw change sig to big :ban: :lol:

Posted: 01-04-2003 21:32
by Killing_U
as surge said its quite the easy job but im way too lazy to do it
sry about big sig and lesbian cheerleaders would defenitely be great

Posted: 01-04-2003 21:42
by RevBillyG

Posted: 01-04-2003 21:56
by Killing_U
lmao rev it would work but its not really sexy try looking at surge's sig for inspiration
gj tho

Posted: 01-04-2003 22:48
by Surge
rev thats horrible... i luv it :devil:

Posted: 02-04-2003 01:17
by Killing_U
I foundmore inspiration check these out 2000/cheerleader.jpg cheerleader.jpg
rev if u could animate somethin similar, that would make every DB players' day

Posted: 02-04-2003 13:42
by [1234]Jr
ROFLMAO! @ The 1st pic :D !!!



Posted: 03-04-2003 18:45
by The Hermit
Here's the naff 'Cheerleader' from Duke Nukem 3D

Posted: 03-04-2003 22:19
by Killing_U
looks good to me :) if you find more like that plz post em here
i will have a chat w DavidM and we just might arrange somethin!:)
gj hermit