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Other riddles

Posted: 24-02-2005 16:26
by stranger
This thread is for all notpron-like riddles. Don't start new threads for other riddles or levels. Use the prefix of each riddle to link your post.
If you've got a riddle, tell one of the moderators. Provide the link and the name of the riddle to get it posted here.

1: Notpron

A: Zest apparently moved to Zest
B: Olle Olte (German)
C: notpron reloaded
E: Imagepuz
H: Dschingisriddle
I: Jay's riddle
K: Kelly Clarkson riddle
M: Wayfarer's riddle
O: Badpron
Q: Web Riddler
S: Historiddle
U: Pythonchallenge
V: Frvade
X: Chulen
Z: veryhardgame

AA: the P4X-riddle - IRC Channel #p4xriddle on quakenet
AB: The Deathprons
AD: Riddla
AE: Orio's Riddle
AF: NewFolder
AG: fsg2k4u
AH: The Quest
AI: Tricky's riddles
AJ: The Enigma Puzzle
AK: Buhuhu
AL: Philpepe's Really Freakin Hard Puzzle
AM: Unsolved13
AN: The Crux
AO: Qwyzzle
AQ: Nicky's riddle
AR: Soulmanager
AS: notpr0n Revolutions
AT: weffriddles
AU: The Cracked Riddle
AV: The Ultimo Puzzle
AW: - chatroom based, members only (free to sigh up)
AX: (beware of the forum, contains spoilers)
AY: Antraxion
AZ: A little parody

BA: Kommune 21 Webraetsel
BB: BizFantast: Puzzle - You need to create an account there as it saves your progress
BC: The Sony Erricsson Da Vinci Code Trail
BD: videogameriddle
BE: Dracula's riddle
BF: Notspam
BG: "Mr Logic"'s riddles:
The Adventure Trilogy: Cybertrek - TriQuest - Forum for Escape (the URL to Escape has to be found in TriQuest)
More: Dr Azumi's Secret Book - Mazito Trilogy - Podcast Riddle - SIMPLE Riddle - WebHopper Riddle
BH: Riddle Me This
BI: Piddle Riddle
BJ: Forum maze
BK: Gagolga - German
BL: TheAverageOnlineRiddle
BM: Grifos
BO: MC - German
BP: Erik's Webquest
BQ: BE Creative Puzzle
BR: Brain Damage
BS: MysteryQuest
BT: nortpron
BU: MovieTrail - 70+ level movie-themed riddle
BV: The Journey
BW: MysteryChallenge
BX: Numbers You must register an account to play and use all the functions.
BY: Suicidal
BZ: AdventureQuest

CA: Tercer Ojo (Third Eye) (spanish)
CB: Ultimate Riddle
CC: Voixbox Detective School
CD: Chesssoft's Riddle
CE: Zeal Riddle
CF: Ouverture-Facile - mostly French, but they are translating.
CG: Arals Riddle and its Forum
CH: Christmas Quest
CI: Nimwege
CJ: Riotquest
CK: Creepy Riddle
CL: RiddleMeThis
CM: StarQuest
CO: vanishingpointgame
CP: Hatless
CQ: Alral's Riddle
CR: Dunn Puzzle
CS: Onyx Riddle
CT: Final Quest
CU: Criptico
CV: Enigma Project (Spanish)
CW: Inward Hellix
CX: Wizard Quest
CY: The Puzzle of Doom
CZ: The OddPawn

DA: 1016
DB: Akumie's riddle
DC: Paparazzi
DD: Dot Riddle
DE: Riddle of goelanroti
DF: Notyoff
DG: Zeroriddle
DH: Mathelex
DI: Alpha Riddle - 2009
DJ: Not-Tron
DK: Tim Tang Test
DL: Rainpron
DM: Negapron
DN: Fraga's riddle
DO: Euclidea
DP: Bliss
DQ: Riddletower
DR: Hakari
DS: Decadent Mind

For example if you make a post for zest's riddle start with A: level 01.

That's the only way to do it in only one thread. I hope you'll follow these instructions.

Now have fun with the riddles. \o/

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 24-07-2010 18:36
by Twitchy Kid

Tim Tang Test

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 16-09-2011 21:05
by vhg
Does anybody know what happened to BS: MysteryQuest? The site seems to be gone and it looks like Springer hasn't posted since 2007.

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 01-05-2021 14:29
by BeefPiano
And what happened to: "This Is Not Porn", the 2002 riddle that inspired "NotPron"? Did anyone manage to beat "This Is Not Porn"?

That site has been inactive for years.

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 01-05-2021 15:36
by BeefPiano
There had been: "Notpron2" online in 2005: ... inning.htm

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 23-08-2021 23:42
by throwaway
I'm confused, what does it mean "notpron riddles" in this thread when there are links to seperate riddles??

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 10-10-2021 19:35
by amh
throwaway wrote: 23-08-2021 23:42 I'm confused, what does it mean "notpron riddles" in this thread when there are links to seperate riddles??

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 21-07-2022 17:08
by amh
Rainpron added.

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 15-11-2022 21:12
by GustavIII
Does somebody know something about The Enigma Puzzle?

I've tried using the internet archive but can't find some specific levels. I think I've played this many many years ago :)

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 19-11-2022 04:23
by gfuy54

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 24-11-2022 11:23
by RiddleTower
You can try Riddle Tower. You can find it on Google playstore and yes this is a shameless promotion hehe :) ... iddletower

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 24-11-2022 23:55
by amh
I'll add these soon.

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 08-01-2023 20:46
by woodsey
I just created one myself for fun, very much inspired by notpron... would be happy to get some feedback!

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 14-01-2023 17:36
by thecosss
The first level has been started on Twitter, and the site (full version) is coming soon. Participate and win the treasure.

Re: Other riddles

Posted: 13-02-2023 13:02
by gfuy54
All featured riddles in this site: