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Level -18

Posted: 16-02-2005 15:19
by kurrem
Up and running!

Posted: 13-10-2007 16:12
by Gestahl
A little help, please? I don't get it. Am I supposed to form an anagram out of something?

Posted: 16-10-2007 17:56
by Gestahl
Is there noone who can give even the smallest hint about this level?

Posted: 31-01-2008 21:07
by SnowMen
Solved, but I can't understand... ogres - it's misleading or it will be useful in future?

Posted: 01-02-2008 18:03
by Kisa
You're at the next level already ...

Posted: 07-12-2008 11:51
by Guybrush
I'm stuck at this level....
Are the things shown on the picture important for the solution??
I don't know anything to do! Please help!

Edit: Thx, got it....

Posted: 07-12-2008 16:40
by frkyjenn
check the source closely.

Posted: 19-05-2009 16:00
by bingo´
I found the hint in the source and also, I got the Ogre hint. But that doesn't seem to help me much. I try to shop a bit around, but this goes nowhere... -.-

Posted: 19-05-2009 16:16
by frkyjenn
Keep working.. you'll get it

Re: Level MINUS 18

Posted: 22-09-2009 23:08
by MilesPrower
am i suppose to use maths in this level?

edit: I think i'm really stupid to think like this ¬¬'

Never Mind, Solved... ¬¬'

Re: Level MINUS 18

Posted: 09-04-2020 21:26
by MatePol
that's one of the levels you solve and wonder if you're really on the next level or if it's a joke from the evil creator - I'm still in doubt hehe

Re: Level MINUS 18

Posted: 19-05-2020 20:03
by AlessaMason
I am on lvl -18 and just came to check if this was as easy as it was for me and I'm leaving wondering how people got eggs or confused on whether they passed the lvl or not.

Re: Level MINUS 18

Posted: 19-05-2020 20:52
by amh
This level can be a little confusing, it's possible to skip something. Just keep at it, things will work out.

Re: Level MINUS 18

Posted: 18-06-2020 21:23
by tichy
In this level, I really wonder if I'm meant to find more things, or note which things I can't find.

Edit: Well. I have only myself to blame. I shouldn't have relied on tools.

Re: Level MINUS 18

Posted: 18-06-2020 21:37
by carbo25
tichy wrote: 18-06-2020 21:23 In this level, I really wonder if I'm meant to find more things, or note which things I can't find.
You can PM me if you’d like. You may end up finding “too much”.