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Carball + Deathball = One Big Ballin Community

Posted: 14-02-2005 15:59
by Oddjob
Well I saw a post from Imaginos and I was somewhat intrigued by the animosity between the two groups of people. It almost seems like the two mods are indirectly intertwined through the common use of the word ball and the fact that carball (when installed) shows up on your gametype list, even when you are in your deathball browser.

I noticed some peoples comments about your attempted world cup and how things went with that. Our world cup was a lot of fun in itself but it didn't run as smoothly as you would think either.

I am the one responsible for setting up our world cup, the teams, and even our new league that is starting up. I am also the one who put together the current dev team for carball after the mod was handed over from its original creator after version 2.0. Also anytime you play the mod carball over 50% of the time you are either playing on a map made by me or one that has been worked on by me.

I have been playing a little more deathball lately because one can only spend so much time on one mod and I find deathball to be very enjoyable in certain circumstances. It was definitely hard at first and I have been yelled at and called a :noob: more times then I can recall. At this point in my deathball career I'm a pretty good goalie and thats all I can be proud of. You can find me on buds most of the time using the name Orange Julius even though my carball name is Oddjob. The members of my particular carball team CCBS are Vealslap, Gruelsicle, me and Rakshasas. You probably see gruel and vealslap most of the time if you see us.

I guess the main reason I am here is due to Imaginos post about carball and its notoriaty on gamespy. I am trying to further promote the mod just as much as you guys obviously are. I am posting to see if the deathball community would be interested in the Carball community on coming up with some kind of event our maybe a weekly get together where we help each other learn the others mod. Or maybe we can schedule deathball matches between to Carball teams and vice versa for you guys just for fun. Being able to advertise such events on beyondunreal and other sources can only help the mods and not hurt them. I think that it is an interesting idea and with enough patient and nice people it can be really fun. I just want to get past all the bs people have to put up with when they first decide to try out a mod.

OJ aka Orange Julius aka Oddjob

P.S. If you want to check out what Carball can be like on a World Cup like scale you can download the demorecs of the Final match in our files section at

Posted: 14-02-2005 18:02
by Austin^13
wtf is carball

Posted: 14-02-2005 18:55
by The_One
Have you been living under a rock? Don't you follow the UT mod scene even a little bit? ;)

It's like deathball with cars and powerups. Only the ball has proper physics.

Posted: 14-02-2005 20:22
by Austin^13
oh k sounds cool

Posted: 14-02-2005 20:39
by Sixty
You could just check the site he gave before posting a stupid and obvious question.

Posted: 15-02-2005 03:48
by Oddjob
The_One wrote: Have you been living under a rock? Don't you follow the UT mod scene even a little bit? ;)

It's like deathball with cars and powerups. Only the ball has proper physics.

Well trust me you aren't the only mod with screwed up physics ;) The ball in carball doesn't take too kindly to terrain maps and/or static meshes.

Posted: 16-02-2005 04:23
by Imaginos
Holy crap!
People read my drivel? Sweet!

Glad you guys came over to our side of the pitch and hung tough long enough to get a good feel for the game. I have to agree that the initial exposure can be a bit challenging - this is an extreme team sport and the players can be a bit unforgiving on people that don't have the basics down. I hope the user guides at ... l&id=00009 were enough to catapult you from noob to rookie. ;) Kudos for not giving up.

I actually had Carball 2.0 on the BuD Pub server up until the last crash - which took out NS and BuD pub in one swoop.. (we're hosted on the same unlucky box) The harddrive was lost, but BuD2 provided a quick xfp to get both vanilla servers back up. I'll have to start another overnight upload and make Carball available again soon. - the twist being I will make it visible in the Deathball tab of the serverbrowser.. luring unsuspecting deathball players in.

Hey mods! Can you move this thread to the main forum? Off-topic is no place for this.

Posted: 16-02-2005 06:12
by Oddjob
Yeah I am glad someone read this, the only reason I posted it here was because the other carball related post got flamed and people yelled for it to be in off topic. I hadn't even noticed your post on our forums and it wasn't until someone pointed me to your post here that I decided to say something. I am glad to see you giving us a nod on here considering I haven't ever talked to you before.

My main goal from all of this wasn't necessarily to create a joint league but more to get the two communities to experience each others mod. I wouldn't mind installing deathball on my server and since you are going to reinstall carball one day so that we can swap to different gametypes for one night a week or every other week. It would be good for getting the different mod exposures out to our normal userbase.

We actually are starting a new league up and it seems that your season 2 of the league is starting also. Our site is if you feel like taking a peek. A lot of the coding is still being done but it is setup for forming teams atm.

Posted: 16-02-2005 10:37
by KoLdDoOm
Hello to all of the Deathball community! I was actually the person who brought up the idea of the carball world cup, but OJ orginised almost all of it, so props to him.
Carball is quite a small community, and for this reason almost everyone knows each other. I'm not sure if this is the same for deathball, but if it is you probably will have seen some of the other carballers who occcasionally play DeathBall also:

[NR]ISH]KoLdDoOm (Me, teh noob!)
[FF]Gribbz (A cool guy and a great player)
[FF]Ev!L_H()m3r (From what I am told, a good player)
And alot of CCBS players play DB also...

Posted: 16-02-2005 15:46
by [1234]Jr
DB has a small community, so we all know who to hate... its true O_O

No one new ever joins DB community (on IRC anyway), well, not many - so its easy to keep track.

Posted: 16-02-2005 21:34
by Sixty
The pub-scene of DB isn't the greatest you can imagine, lots of ego-kiddies who flame all new players. Most of them get scared off right away, so almost noone really gets "in" the community.

Shame :(

Posted: 17-02-2005 11:54
by R3L!K
perhaps stronger ties between these communities will be good for both mods - people might be willing to perservere if they are playing with other new players.

heh, we could even have a CB/DB cup where teams from each community play 2 rounds (one in each mod) against each other!

edit: just remembered - we don't have enough players for a cup of our own atm (doh):lol:

Posted: 17-02-2005 15:08
by [1234]Jr
Its not that, its just 'we' dont have enough players willing to commti to a long / scheduled league/cup system, most grow bored or are not on 'enough' (at the right times, anyway) for people to get stuff done.

Posted: 18-02-2005 00:35
by devnull
Me Personally i wouldn`t see this as a bad idea....maybe get a little life back in this community. Alot of time has been spent trying to keep this going but as was stated, People aren`t on enough or at the right times. i think intoducing the 2 communities might have a positive effect on both

Posted: 20-02-2005 18:58
by Imaginos
I had the same thought a few mos back. With a larger group of Ballers pimping our beloved mods as a bundle, I think things will get a little further.

I've been a bad, sad monkey as of late and been pretty scarce around the scene. Real life keept intruding on my time and not in a pleasant way. I hope to settle back in soon. I still have serious work to finish with the Deathball stats that I MUST get done for inclusion in the 2.4 release. I have completed an upload of Carball 2.3's files to the BuD pub server as well. All that remains is to do the redirect and the gamemake file to put carball into the deathball browser.

Prob won't be tonight.. I have to be all over creation today and prep for a snowboard trim on the morrow. Hopefully that goes well.