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Level -10

Posted: 11-02-2005 03:28
by david_g
Too easy.

Who else is done?

Posted: 31-05-2007 21:36
by YagamiLight
ok got no idea what to do...any clues?? it

Posted: 24-06-2008 15:45
by wigga
no clues over here? i stuck on -10, not 10 XD do i get the right keyword if i only look at the picture, or do i have to "do" something?


Posted: 24-06-2008 16:11
by frkyjenn
do something

Posted: 24-06-2008 17:17
by wigga
but you don't mean with do something, to do what the source hint says... because i know that i have to do this at the end

edit: i found 3 things... can i pm u, if im on the right track?

edit²: got it ;)

Posted: 26-08-2008 03:35
by powder-trauma
... Stuck agaaaaain. XD

Posted: 26-08-2008 03:38
by powder-trauma
Does the image map have something to do with it?

I know that sounds stupid, but I can't find the actual map on the page.

Edit: Still sucking. Someone help, please? I feel so stupid ... XD

Posted: 30-12-2008 19:12
by tehpeh
Do I need a special program for this, or knowledge of php ?

Posted: 30-12-2008 21:33
by frkyjenn

Posted: 31-12-2008 12:00
by tehpeh
This Level was great XDDD
But I worked with a "special" programm ...

Posted: 31-12-2008 18:31
by frkyjenn
A special program can be used but it's not NEEDED. :D

Posted: 06-01-2009 09:07
by Metrio
frkyjenn wrote: A special program can be used but it's not NEEDED. :D

Seriously? Cause I have no clue what to do with what I've got. I've read about a certain program that could help me, but I don't have it. I don't see any way to use the map or whatever, I don't wanna say to much. But from what I see, this only seems possible if you're a photoshop pro and html crack. It makes me a little angry right now ^^

Posted: 06-01-2009 12:31
by taq0
It's pretty easy if you use Gimp or Photoshop, but also very boring and lengthy.

Posted: 31-03-2009 04:13
by DoubleI
Would someone help me? please?

Posted: 31-03-2009 04:38
by frkyjenn
Can't help if we don't know what the problem is. PM me.