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Make something unreal...

Posted: 06-02-2005 02:08
by BluBBy
How about opening some public 5v5 regular servers? how about putting vo servers to no vo servers? ....

In some other words: how about eNlaRge yOur PeniS?! enlarge the community i mean :p

I just remember those old days, when 5v5 reg public games used to take place on 1234 server or 3dg one...
I do think vo and pickup killed the community.
Vo because, as a new player , i wouldnt understand why the ball resets all the time i shoot it in goal...
and pickups because all the 5v5 games takes place there, and its only for veterans...

i hope you get my point....
even if i do think this thread will be as useless as all the other ones were...
but trully hope it wont :D

Move your ass and put Deathball on the right way ffs!!!

Posted: 06-02-2005 02:18
by Cenotaph
Agreed :D

Posted: 06-02-2005 02:30
by The_One
I miss non-vo matches. :(

Posted: 06-02-2005 03:04
by Cenotaph
There are always US servers, but its laggeh :(

Posted: 06-02-2005 10:51
by [1234]Jr
For the record, Bedlam couldnt get DB2.3 to work on our linux servers, i think he said. So blame the internet.

Posted: 06-02-2005 11:00
by Wibble
I'm thinking of having more regular "non-pickup" days where the bot is turned off. I know this was unpopular with some members of the community, but overall I think it would be a good idea

Posted: 06-02-2005 12:36
by xiller8r
Wibble wrote: I'm thinking of having more regular "non-pickup" days where the bot is turned off. I know this was unpopular with LoC but overall I think it would be a good idea


Posted: 06-02-2005 13:13
by Sixty
Wibble wrote: I'm thinking of having more regular "non-pickup" days where the bot is turned off. I know this was unpopular with some members of the community, but overall I think it would be a good idea
Yes! Don't make it too often though, perhaps a day every 2 weeks?

Posted: 06-02-2005 13:45
by Onge
I don't know where the JUICE public 5v5 server has gone, but if it's gone for good I will press for the 3v3 VO server to become a regular 5v5 one.

Posted: 06-02-2005 14:17
by Wibble
hmmmz, maybe every two sundays?

Posted: 06-02-2005 14:39
by Sixty
I wouldn't pick sunday, perhaps every two fridays? On sunday it's very busy in the channel, more than the pubs can handle I think.

Posted: 06-02-2005 18:31
by GreyFox
"Vo because, as a new player , i wouldnt understand why the ball resets all the time i shoot it in goal..."

lol ^^

Posted: 07-02-2005 04:36
by Cenotaph
I don't understand why you guys insist on that pickup non-sense. I mean, do you really have more fun in pickup than public servers?

It's just who plays in public, we all know that public servers were so much fun in DB's early days. With some effort it can be like that again.

Posted: 07-02-2005 09:19
by CorDawg-
wibb, its only a good idea if vo is turned off on public server :/

Posted: 07-02-2005 09:41
by Catalyst88
Cenotaph wrote: I don't understand why you guys insist on that pickup non-sense. I mean, do you really have more fun in pickup than public servers?

It's just who plays in public, we all know that public servers were so much fun in DB's early days. With some effort it can be like that again.

True, but in the early days all who played on publics were still learning the game. Since there's now a wider spread of skill levels, and newer players find they have a steep learning curve, pub play isn't what it used to be. That and DB requires LOADS of teamwork to be worth playing in the first place. Not that I'm saying it's not worth it, just don't expect it to be like "The Good Old Days(tm)". Most of the community harks from way back, ever noticed that?

EDIT: and for the record, I enjoy pickips a lot more, simply because they give a tactical edge to things that makes DB enjoyable, and a challenge. You can argue that that means new players find it hard to break into the community, because everyone's playing pickups, but it's the nature of the game. I'd like to see new players too, and more pub play, but it just isn't that much fun.

EDIT 2: Having said that, I do support the no pickup days.