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Pbox campers

Posted: 28-03-2003 04:22
by Surge
as of late (not because of a new patch or anything) i'v noticed all games i'v played have had a little person i like the call the "pbox camper"

You may have seen this suspect in his own pbox, comping the edge, waiting for you to charge so he can shake you or walk in the box so he can frag you.

This may just be me, but i believe this an extremely legitimate complaint about shake and a reason to shorten it further or remove it completely. Its almost impossible to get off a good shot now because of these notoious pbox campers and n00b cannons and wally-vollies are just getting lame. Cant we go back to the good ol' days when you just ran at the net, took a hit from the defender and shot that sum-a-bitch in the net? Honestly this is seriously agrivating me more than you would believe. Its even worse on sprint servers when you not only have a pbox camper but one that can run across the pbox in a matter of 1-2 seconds making short passes totally pointless...

Now, since this doesn't appear to be another open complaint i have a resolution that i think many would agree be put back into deathball. A zero delay keeper hammer with the old hammer range (maybe slightly reduced) and a very short or no shake. It is the only way I can think of the prevent pbox camping altho a few other posibilities have crossed my mind.

One of which being a maximum time allowed for own team in the pbox, 7 seconds or so, (sort of like a 3-in-the-key violation in basketball) which would kill the defender and have a 3 second respawn delay giving the player a sort of penelty shot but theres a few drawbacks to this plan, one of which being a player dancing around the outside of the pbox on offense by passing it around or literally jumping around without being hit (which isnt too too hard) and basically getting a wide open shot.

Another idea i had was to increase the accuracy of a shake shot so the shot placment would be shot into a circular area about the size of your vacinity radar but have reduced power. Same for Overcharge shots in that case.

Lastly my other idea would be to prevent hitting from inside the pbox to outside the pbox, this would also prevent mose pbox camping.

Please consider this before forwards like myself lose intrest and start playing defense. Its quite annoying watching yourself get fragged or take some way off shot because a defender decides to chill in his pbox and rack up easy kills.

Posted: 28-03-2003 07:18
by Fooman
Just sounds like good defense to me. I think the shaking and power are perfect. If David decides to change something like that it is totally going to mess everyone up. People are already accostomed to the settings as they are now.

Posted: 28-03-2003 09:33
by Alars
DavidM should just not allow sprint in own pbox....

Posted: 28-03-2003 10:01
by [1234]Jr
"camping" the Pbox isnt laming or camping, its a viable tactic i've seen many a decent person use.

And if i can beat NaB and score past Gim, the shake doesnt matter that much, bro :)

Hell, Cata can get thro NME box without being hit (Luckeh) so it doesnt matter.. its the attacker who needs to change his ways not the defender..

EDIT: Oh, and if u want a "time limit in the pbox" then play 5-a-side mod :)

In 5-a-side u canht go in NME box :)

Posted: 28-03-2003 10:14
by FAT('.')BOY
Very few people actualy defend outside of clan matches. I like to because I'm lazy, quite often I find myself alone with the goalie trying to stop passes between three or more attackers and I need all the help I can get.

Attackers seem to get annoyed that someone spoilt their lovely set up by boosting them beyond the ball or shaking them into making a bad shot. Well thats what I thought I was playing defense for, not to make you look good =)

Another reason to defend fairly near the box is that its far too easy for the attack to get past you on a turn around and you are unlikly to get a boost back beacuse most of your team are hanging around in the enemies box for reasons best known to themselves.

A side note, quite often you seem to frag someone before they release the shot and it still goes in, is this my imagination?

Posted: 28-03-2003 11:30
by DavidM
Fooman wrote: I think the shaking and power are perfect.

Posted: 28-03-2003 16:43
by GazMaN
FAT('.')BOY wrote:

A side note, quite often you seem to frag someone before they release the shot and it still goes in, is this my imagination?

a recent match we had , i was def, and i remember 3 goals they scored where i waited for him to charge b4 i hit him, and ball still flew into top corners 3 times.

at first i thought somat dodgy , but ive found out that you can charge a shot for 1.5 secs, whereas u get camera shake for 0.7 sec (i think) so in effect, u could charge ur shot , get hit and still b able to let off a controlled shot i believe!!

but still 3 goals on trot, made me go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

but then again im an ex mardy sf player so i will :)

Posted: 28-03-2003 16:47
by DavidM
"i waited for him to charge b4 i hit him, and ball still flew into top corners 3 times. "

thats the fault...
either hit him before he charges (and again before he finished charging)
or short before he stops charging

Posted: 28-03-2003 18:31
by Cyph
at first i thought somat dodgy , but ive found out that you can charge a shot for 1.5 secs, whereas u get camera shake for 0.7 sec (i think) so in effect, u could charge ur shot , get hit and still b able to let off a controlled shot i believe!!
Yep, I do that deliberately. If you run at someone and charge just before you know they're going to hit you, you can get off a full-power shot. Robban was the first person I saw to do it, I stole it off him :)

Hence when I'm defending I don't hit him until I know I need to :) a tiny bit after he starts charging, or when he comes into the pb. No need to change anything, defenders can counter it and so can attackers. Totally viable tactic

Posted: 28-03-2003 20:24
by Zanboo
Looks like poor Surge will be the only offender moving back to D :eek:


Posted: 28-03-2003 21:07
by Blitz
steal any nice servers lately Zan?

Posted: 28-03-2003 23:13
by Surge
there is absolutly NO SKILL involved in camping a pbox. Its not a tactic, its cheap and unfair to offensive players. I have a tactic for you.. its called getting the opponents IP of irc and ping attacking them. Want me to do that my opponents defenders to even the odds? Its not fair in 1v1 situations. I dont get hit very much on offense because i deke out people quite well but when i do its usually when i'm charging because its hard to do evasiv manovering when charging and trying to aim a shot. The only thing your doing by leaving shake time high is asking for people to use the n00b cannon or volley in some other form. I don't want to play cY ball thank you very much. Its not that i cant volley or anything like that but its fucking retarded that you cant even shoot a normal shot anymore without beng hit by some pbox camping faggot.

Also you cant say everything fine as it is.. more and more quality players are leaving deathball, all i ever see on these forums are complaints (like this one) and some guy ass "its perfect" decause he probably plays defense and uses this skill-less tactic. Heres a challenge for you. Reduce shake time to .3 secs and give the keeper a regular hammer like any other player and see how it plays. unfortunetally asking for anything around here is like talking to a wall. Try before you shoot down the idea, you just might surprise yourself for once.

Posted: 28-03-2003 23:25
by Notorius_G.I.B.
Sorry Sergio but you are just wrong on this one.

Posted: 28-03-2003 23:28
by Surge
GIB you know how long i'v played, you know i suck at D but i can stop ***ANY*** offensive player using this tactic... it totally kills the point of shooting a normal shot cause you just get stuffed

Posted: 28-03-2003 23:32
by Notorius_G.I.B.
Well i have no problem with them lowering or even dropping the shake but don't expect us on d to not use it to our advantage until they do.