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We Borke the league page

Posted: 28-03-2003 03:54
by TFO_ThePimpImp
Check out american league div 3 our stat from the last leagu are in the new one lol. Ya might wanna fix that. WE lost 18-1 to V3 ya might wanna make up a rule about putting them in a higher division or teams in american league 3 will quit i'm guessing. We won't we are just out for fun. :)

Posted: 28-03-2003 04:26
by Surge
V3 didnt play in the first part of the league, it would be totally unfair to us in leagues 1 and 2 to give them a position in our leagues. They are good yes, the best? No. Any good team on any given day can lose, how about making defeating them your new goal because defeating a team like V3 would certainly gain you more respect among the higher ranked teams even if they plaster you 30-0 the next game.

Posted: 28-03-2003 05:58
by TFO_ThePimpImp
ya i guess so but its gunna hurt the american leagues in the long run unforunately. I expect at least 3 of the teams playing right now to drop out of third divison in order for the 3 division format to work we are going to need all our teams to stay and more teams to join it just is not going to work

Posted: 28-03-2003 06:22
by theberkin8or
i was actaully come to write pretty much the same thing, pw and v3 are too damn good for the 3rd league and we don't want ppl quiting becuase we have to make ppl rise through the ranks, maybe a vote, i would be for puting them in the second league were they would both probably win most of there games but they would be a lot closer. we don't want to have another 5 clans drop the league becuase the leagues are really unfair

btw to v3, come on guys 43-0 that is bs, please look up the word sportsmanship in the dictionary, if the other team hasn't scored and you get to double digits you know you are going to win, so slow things down work on your passing or something, both you and pw will be moved up a league there is absolutly no reason to do that : \

Posted: 28-03-2003 06:30
by TFO_ThePimpImp
they said they were trying to help send a message. I believe them. I really do think they should be in second league or all the new teams should go in their own qualification league. My team will be staying I'm pretty sure about that and I might even break off and try to start another team beacause my team is split to far away. I guess thats kinda what third division is and thats why the last two teams from the original leagues should be thrown in div 2 and div 3 would be a qualification division then. Although I don't know if that would be any better because V3 and PW are gunna strom through div 3 regardless of who is in it. If anybody wants email me further to discuss this topic (preferably anyone who can change something) email me at

Posted: 28-03-2003 06:39
by theberkin8or
i don't care what point you are trying to make 43-0 is bull shit, if a clan dies becuase you are trying to make a point is it worth it?

i would hope that respect would be more important to v3 than geting higher in a league, and this does not win respect.

Posted: 28-03-2003 06:43
by TFO_ThePimpImp
Ya i guess your right but somethinhg really does need to be done about this they will do this to almost every team in div3 if something is not done if they try. And if they can't try teams get bored and break up also.

Posted: 28-03-2003 06:54
by TFO_ThePimpImp
ANYWAYS, the MAIN PURPOSE iof this thread was to relay the fact of a major error in the league page. As soon as a team has a game input into the system it shows 1 game played but also all the combined wins goals for and against ties and losses from qualification and this league. Thats a major bug and might wanna be fixed soon.

Posted: 28-03-2003 07:05
by Fooman
I h4xed it. :P

Posted: 28-03-2003 11:31
by DavidM
stats will be fixed
v3 will stay there


Posted: 28-03-2003 15:27
by Bodom
I wouldn't expect another blowout like that, I think we just felt like setting the record for most goals in a game :D

Posted: 28-03-2003 17:08
by Fallen
The expectation of V3 is to maul over everyone in division 3. However, teams that we do beat can learn from their mistakes. Even though some think that V3 and PW are too good for division 3, we still have to advance like any other team. We are given the same opportunities as other teams.

So what if our team beat another team 43-0, we coulda been more cocky if we wanted, believe me, I watched about 15 min of that game, I was splitting time with Bodom and Xelent. Those two would have given no mercy to the ES.

I believe that teams can become better and learn to play well which each other, they just have to lay a foundation of trust with one another and then gain in talent.

Some say when L7 we got all the good people, what you talking about, Zan and JJ is all we got.

In closing, hopefully TFO gets better because our rematch is on our server, and we will...

Hopefully there is competition to be played in our division, and I hope by our second meeting, TFO can put up a good fight. Watch a few demos guys, learn some tactics, this is what I did when I first started out in DB, learning what to do and what to not do.

Fallen aka Bullet

Posted: 28-03-2003 17:17
by TFO_ThePimpImp
lol TFO won't get better it is falling apart our best player Viper is looking for a new clan and I am trying to start a new team (or also join a new clan)

Posted: 28-03-2003 17:21
by Fallen
where do half of you live, it seems we played on ur server which was west coast i believe and most of you guys live on the east coast. thats the first problem.

Posted: 28-03-2003 17:35
by Bazzi
If they are 2 good time you can still win against 6 other teams... they will go up, that's clear. No reason to forfeit league.