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Level -2

Posted: 31-01-2005 19:11
by seer
Finished it, just wanted to start a thread.:D

Posted: 20-06-2005 18:49
by Nicky
Give it some thought and watch closely :lol:

Posted: 12-12-2007 04:52
by wellwisherelf
I'm tipping my hat to the creator of this one, i actually laughed when i realized the symbolagy.

Posted: 23-09-2008 22:11
by whuntu

Posted: 01-01-2009 00:22
by faorlich
Really nice, indeed!

Posted: 15-02-2009 14:20
by spawn89
thx for makin' me learn something new =)

Re: Level MINUS 2

Posted: 17-09-2015 06:30
by slyfoxxy
Aha! Nice indeed. ;)

Re: Level MINUS 2

Posted: 27-10-2019 14:55
by canyadigit
This is not supposed to be something moving right? Are we just supposed to stare at a static pic until we see something 'suspicious'?

Re: Level MINUS 2

Posted: 27-10-2019 17:57
by amh
Staring won't help much. You need to DO something.

Re: Level MINUS 2

Posted: 10-09-2021 03:11
by throwaway
To be honest, I got this one almost instantly since I had the exact same idea for a level in my riddle.


Posted: 10-09-2021 08:17
by throwaway
He was framed