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Swiss National Team

Posted: 25-03-2003 19:20
by TaurusI76
Ich habe mich gefragt, ob es genug Leute hätte für ein Schweizer Nationalteam, und ob das Interesse bestünde. Schweizer Deathballer, meldet euch!

Rofl, Babelfish rulez xD :

Je me suis demandé s'il aurait assez de personnes pour une équipe nationale suisse, et si l'intérêt existerait.

Babelfish again xD :

Stavo domandandosi se ci fosse abbastanza gente per una squadra nazionale svizzera e se i giocatori volessero avere una tal squadra. Lascilo prego sapere!

English, for those who don't understand Babelfish-language :p :

I was wondering if there were enough people for a Swiss national team, and if the players would like to have such a team. Plz let me know!

Posted: 25-03-2003 19:48
by DavidM

Posted: 25-03-2003 20:01
lol ci sono un po di errori nell italiano O_o :D

Posted: 25-03-2003 21:57
by Metalliguane
\o/ Taurus president \o/ :lol: :spammer:

Posted: 25-03-2003 22:12
by [POW]Pol77
OK Taurus .....

I sign PRESENT :)

Posted: 26-03-2003 11:19
by [POW]Pol77
Ok Taurus...

For me and DevilKid it's ok ....

We have need still 2 more player .....

Who??? :(


Posted: 26-03-2003 12:00
by TaurusI76
Hmm, I met two Swiss guys once on an FFA, but I've only seen one of them once again since then... I think they're not very active... :confused:

Posted: 26-03-2003 20:01
by [POW]Pol77
Taurus, I know 1 player (SWISSERROR) but I don't know the e-mail :( if you see he in the server ..... comunicate he the "project" for the Swiss team :PP



Posted: 27-03-2003 12:44
by DeVilKiD
PoVeRi NoI SvizZeRoTTi... SiaM ProPrIo RiDoTTi MaLe...:( :( :(

Ci VorrEbBe Un MirAcOlo... BeN 2 GioCaTorI!!!!! ImPossiBIle ehhe



Posted: 27-03-2003 16:12
by [POW]Pol77
Three :)

Me, You and Taurus :)

1 Keeper - 1 Defender - 1 Forward

Not Bad :)

More 1 Def & 1 Foorward and the Team is ok :P

Posted: 28-03-2003 00:58
by dekks
WeEila mi sn registrato pure qui :)

Non so se possa fruttare qualcosa, ma potreste chiedere se c'è qualche deathballer nel forum della nazionale svizzera di e.sports[in quello di ut]: [e magari creno pure la pagina per DB...]

e comunque non È detto che quest'estate inizii pure io con questo gioco visto che c'è un clan ticinese ;)

Posted: 01-04-2003 10:08
by [POW]Pol77
Taurus ....

found someone?????

Always only 3 swiss player?? .((


Sigg... Sigg...

Posted: 01-04-2003 11:31
by DeVilKiD
penso che saremo costretti ad imparare a giocare su due PC contemporaneamente ahahha

mica facile

io comunque potrei insegnare al mio gatto,ma ho bisogno di tempo....;)


Posted: 01-04-2003 11:47
by DeVilKiD
Comunque sto' chiedendo in giro,ma di giocatori svizzeri nemmeno l'ombra...
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Posted: 09-04-2003 08:30
by [POW]Pol77

I have found another swiss player!


It's a good player! with a little training he will become very stronger :( eheheh

Now he play with us (POW), but i think he is disponible to play an aventually Nation Cup!
