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Gib in the New Year at BuD!

Posted: 31-12-2004 23:46
by Imaginos
It's time to say farewell to the year 2004! Let's do it with a bang!

Come to the BuD servers on New Year's Eve from 1900h EST for a full night of carnage and mayhem that won't stop until we're balls-deep into 2005!

Why sit in front of the tube to watch some lame ball drop in NYC when you can smack a spiked one around and kill people with it?
I know where I'll be.. Hope to see you there. BYOB!

BuD #1 deathball://
BuD #2 deathball://

and for those that don't run the Deathball client:

BuD #1 ut2004://
BuD #2 ut2004://

Come get some!

Posted: 01-01-2005 00:21
by mpratt
Ill Play there tonight!

Posted: 01-01-2005 00:52
by an_old_man
can we get some dodgeball action too? :p

Posted: 01-01-2005 01:18
by speedy
has it gone past 1900est yet?

Posted: 01-01-2005 02:29
by fb.shev
i know its some time in england tho. gg

Posted: 01-01-2005 17:10
by Messy
Aww I missed it /o\

How was it? definitely curious with mpratt playing :) (do you play often? ;o)

Posted: 01-01-2005 22:09
by Imaginos
We gave it some play last night and found some probs with it that were frustrating to say the least.. MaxDropTime reset was kicking in left and right.. we ended up doing a regular pub til the wee hours. I modified the time to 60 seconds and that has improved gameplay to the point people aren't getiing pissed at least. And hey, who wouldn't get ticked if you were lining up a shot and the ball resets!

It's in play on BuD right now. If you previously downloaded the gibball from the server, clear your cache and get a fresh copy. I'll probably recompile it again once I get back from the airport after picking up the daughter.

Posted: 03-01-2005 16:50
by EsorcismoNJD
Well there is a definite set of issues and questions that need to be solved before any sort of final release... so far I've got this:

-Ball Resetting even after being touched numerous times (bug)
-Ball carries no velocity after being caught (was in old version)
-All kills are considered suicide even if a player fires a ball into another player (no big deal bug)
-Balls going through shield when shot at high velocity (bug)
-Balls deflecting off enemies at close ranges (bug)

Imag, when I get on IRC later send me the latest edition of the code and I'll continue searching for discrepancies that may be causing these issues

Posted: 03-01-2005 23:51
by Imaginos
I'm less inclined to say the ball is going through the shield as much as I'm thinking the pickup radius is too big.

And once I see ye on, we can get this thing up on blocks again.

Posted: 03-01-2005 23:57
by `Ghost`
isnt to big for the keepers :p

Posted: 04-01-2005 03:20
by fb.shev
no its not