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i love quakenet

Posted: 27-12-2004 18:07
by Rino
<Pyromaniac> !join d god help me
* DB_Pickup changes topic to '4Captains will now select their teams (watch out for notices)... - don't quit IRC or the channel - may take some time!'
* DB_Pickup sets mode: +mvv DJDriveBy [TT]SoliloQuy
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esk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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<Rino> Rofl
* [away]Jr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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<Rino> omg
#dbpickup Cannot send to channel
#dbpickup Cannot send to channel
#dbpickup Cannot send to channel
#dbpickup Cannot send to channel
#dbpickup Cannot send to channel
<Rino> Great Timing for a split.

Posted: 27-12-2004 18:26
by R3L!K

Posted: 27-12-2004 18:45
by speedy

Posted: 27-12-2004 18:48
by Messy
rofl :)

gg qnet /o\

Posted: 27-12-2004 19:47
by fb.shev
heh remember it happening to me when i was captain, i re joined from net split (thats where everyone splits and joins, sometimes its not everyone, only you (this is aimed at rino) and i still kept my voice for about 3 days keeping my uptime :)

Posted: 28-12-2004 23:18
by EsorcismoNJD
Gamesurge isn't much better... don't worry

Posted: 29-12-2004 00:54
by DavidM
well, you win!
don't you?

Posted: 29-12-2004 02:00
by EsorcismoNJD
I dedicate this attachment to DavidM for all of the (what's the word I'm looking for...) prosperity (oh hell no that ain't it... ummmm) chaos he's brought to this community =D

GG DavidM is now synonymous with: ... tid=205667

Posted: 29-12-2004 14:31
by [1234]Jr
DavidM wrote: well, you win!
don't you?


Posted: 29-12-2004 16:29
by Maegrim
<Pyromaniac> !join d god help me

god hates you o//

Posted: 31-12-2004 00:27
by Messy
It's lovely seeing how Eso is trying to figure out clever ways to 'diss' people (or whatever you youth call it these days ;)).

..hardly funny. Or even slightly amusing for that matter.

Posted: 03-01-2005 06:13
by EsorcismoNJD
Meh it was in the middle of watching a movie, besides... you wouldn't get it unless you were from the United States... hidden intention =D

Posted: 03-01-2005 13:09
by `Ghost`
ah ha! so I did win a few weeks back :p

Posted: 03-01-2005 13:11
by Messy
If you're referring to this..

..No way.

Posted: 03-01-2005 13:12
by `Ghost`