<3 mpratt <3

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<3 mpratt <3

Post by beefsack »

doing an awesome job man, pushing deathball ahead really well. i got one word for you:


oh yeah, and for updating your team blog consitantly:


err, scratch that one, dont want to do anything bad to your children *cough*

<3 mpratt, keep up the great work man! :p \o/
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Post by Sixty »

Seconded \o/
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Post by Messy »

I-want-to-be-yo-baby :O

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Post by InSaNe` »

Someone fill me in, I'm lost. What does he do? :(
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Post by beefsack »

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Post by Sixty »

He practically does everything together with david..check the blogs on the main site.
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Post by DavidM »

well yes, we are pretty much a 2 man team these days, me just being a half man...not really much I can do right now. ok but without me he couldnt do anything either

matt = daddy
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Post by mpratt »

Im the Lead Deathball programmer. You don't hear much about me becuase I'm not a player. Thats becuase all I do is program.

DavidM keeps me pointed in the right direction with ideas and feedback. He had to explain to me all the details about how DB worked becuase the Karma ball really screwed up alot of code and we had to rewrite much of the ball related stuff.

Im working on a surprise for you all for 2.4. Penalty shoot outs. Its semi working now.

I think it will make 2.4 probably. Another neat thing I have as a side project is the main menu which I am trying to redo like the HL2 front menu, with an animated background.
Last edited by mpratt on 27-12-2004 17:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

Sweet feature for fun, just hope it isn't going to be used in any league play. Much like the 1994 World Cup and 2004 Copa America, I think it's pathetic when a championship is decided on a mere guessing game.

A new menu would be cool too, would be really awesome if it could be like I think it was RTCW with a video playing in the background showing all types of moves and whatnot. Was it RTCW? Not sure.
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Post by R3L!K »

mpratt, I think I've run into you once online.

I'd just like to say that I'm glad you are still with us and that you are doing a great job so far. The new features you're adding are certainly improving the DB package as a whole.

I also wish you best of luck dealing with this community. Although I'm sure we can all be on best behaviour for the DB Daddy!!!!
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Post by Messy »

Gah..that's just brilliant mpratt :o

How will penalty shoot-outs be? Football or ice-hockey style? Distance? Anything different from normal shot- and/or dodgephysics?

Oh nevermind, I guess that's the point of it being a surprise ;)

2.4 is going to be great *drools*
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Post by mpratt »

Penalty shoot outs will just be an additional End Game Type. We allready have Tie, Golden Goal, Golden w/OverTime and now Penalty Shootout.

Its kind of like multiball. I don't suppose people will use multiball that much. Its just an option. People will pick what they want. People might use Penalty shoot out quite a lot if they enjoy it.

Right now these options have to be initiated by the server operator, when he starts the server.

So if you wanted to use multiball for a few games someone would have to restart the game with multiball (or penalty shoot out activated). I'd like to add some way for players to vote in real time for these type of options.

Anyone know anyway, for the players in game, to change the End Game Types (or any other server settings) in real time, without restarting the server? Personnally, I'd perfer a way to do it with a player vote rather then someone having to have admin. I'm not talking about listen servers here, Im talking about dedicated servers. Can it even be done with admin? Or do you have to alter deathball.ini and restart the dedicated server now to switch an End gametype?

Becuase if thats the case then a server operator would have to leave the server in multiball mode and thats not really in the spirit of deathball. I mean its fun for a while, but you'd have to have a server operator playing, not just someone with admin, playinb with you to change these options for you.

Or am I missing something?
Last edited by mpratt on 27-12-2004 20:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

The command would be something like

Code: Select all

admin servertravel db-cube?EndGameType=3
or something like that (or what's the bool called? o_O).

Regardless, it should work with admin console commands :)

ps: I think most mapvote mutators can add bools/parameters on mapchange :o
So it doesn't need an admin I guess.

But real-time changes like that would seem impossible with the UT engine imo o_O
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Post by Catalyst88 »

mpratt: there are functions (think it's InitGame) in DB_Deathball to setup command line options. In a dedicated server sertup you just pass them with ? options like messy says :). That's how admins change it anyway.

And real-time changes just involve changing the variables in the gametype with a voting dialog or similar, they're nothing really special.
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Post by Imaginos »

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that with UT2Vote I can change just about anything that needs doing.