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NEW RULE suggestion

Posted: 23-03-2003 23:52
by SpikeBall
Create your new rule for DB and post here, DavidM should read and have some ideas for improving this game.

Here's mine:

Delay on respawn time, some players enter enemy penalty zone to be killed and respawned on own P.Zone, helping defense. I think thats unfair. So, if the player take 10 seconds to respawn no one would try this.

Posted: 24-03-2003 00:00
by (fs|DaBOON)
lets make that 5 secs...:)

Posted: 24-03-2003 00:20
by Rhinosaur
Why are they being killed? Idiot-proof DeathBall.....hehe....!
More rules will not make novices better, in fact, all this rule would do is encourage them to continue making mistakes. (or at least make them acceptable).

Posted: 24-03-2003 01:00
by Hoju
or the keeper/defense can just ignore the player trying to be killed since it's obvious what he's trying to do, no respawn delay needed.

Posted: 24-03-2003 01:18
by Surge
if you want respawn delay go play BF1942... its the keeper/defenders fault if he frags the play fater the balls upfield.

Re: NEW RULE suggestion

Posted: 24-03-2003 01:50
by night
SpikeBall wrote: Delay on respawn time, some players enter enemy penalty zone to be killed and respawned on own P.Zone, helping defense. I think thats unfair. So, if the player take 10 seconds to respawn no one would try this.

despite it already being said, i just want to say it too :

if the dumbass kills the guys so he can get back and defend then thats your/there problem.

Posted: 24-03-2003 01:55
by DavidM
yeah I thought about this delay
actually nothing bad about it
5-8 seconds should do

Posted: 24-03-2003 02:10
by Cyph
noooooooooo. it's fine how it is.

Posted: 24-03-2003 05:27
by DiStUrbeD
god dont put delay on it

people wont have the patience to wait to spawn, i cant stand that in bf1942

Posted: 24-03-2003 07:31
by beefsack
i will have the patience. make it an option.

Posted: 24-03-2003 07:33
by theberkin8or
i hate options, please please dont make any more options, just make a choice, the db cummunity is not large enough for hundred options or we are going to have every server with the different game play

*edit* i don't support or oppose this change it could have an interesting affect but i hate options and don't want to see anotherone

Posted: 24-03-2003 09:31
by Hoju
omfg, DavidM sees 1.5 people liking this rule, and like 4 people who give the simple reason why it shouldn't be in and he thinks its a good idea. Thx for listening!!!

Posted: 24-03-2003 09:36
by Catalyst88
All this will succeed in doing is slowing down a fast paced game, pissing people off even further. Why don't we hold a poll? oh, guess it doesn't matter, if davidm wants it it'll go in sod what the rest of the community thinks...

Posted: 24-03-2003 10:16
by McKenna
Just playing in, the delay would be bs IMHO. Like lots of guys said before, if the defender kills the attacker, and thus that the attacker is back in defence, it's the defenders Problem. You don't have to kill the guy, just ignore him. Point :)

As for the delay in general, aeh, no, don't put that in. There would be big harm. What happens if you are the only defender (despite your goaly), somehow you get killed in def, while holding the Ball. Now you have to wait 5s before being able to help out the goaly? That's shit. Some teams will just get more hammered then before allready, and will have less and less motiviation to play. So don't touch that please :-)



Posted: 24-03-2003 10:43
by TEZC-Rage
what is the point in the delay? hmm... slow dow a fast paced game... not good. 8 seconds? i could make a pint of coffee in that time. Like Hoju and Surge said, if the keeper and defence kill the player that's trying to get back let it be on thier head let the strikers blame it on them, its all part of the team work involved. Then if a goal is conceded, you can blame the srtiker for not helping to boost his other players back.