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Nederland nationaal team + coach

Posted: 23-03-2003 22:58
by (fs|DaBOON)
Yo guys,

aangezien het een NATIONAAL elftal betreft, in het Nederlands...voor degene die dit ook willen lezen ook nog in het engels

Nou, ik zal dan maar een topic openen voor de Nederlanders onder ons. We zijn in de minderheid..VERUIT, magoed. We hebben genoeg goeie spelers, ben ik van overtuigd.

Ok, nou laten we dan maar hetzelfde gaan doen als bij de andere landen. Stemmen over de coach.

Wie weet er goeie Nederlandse spelers? En die het team kunnen en willen coachen?

Ben je zelf een goeie Nederlandse speler, ook melden graag.

Well, lets open a topic for the Dutchies among us. We are in minority. WAAY in minority, but ah well...We have enough good players, I'm sure of that.

Ok, well lets do the same as the other countries; Vote over a coach.

Who knows good dutch players? And are willing, and can coach the team?

If ur a good Dutchie urself, let urself be heard here!


Posted: 23-03-2003 23:36
by Rens2Sea
Try not to be like germans and talk English... :/

<- dutch :D

Posted: 23-03-2003 23:43
by (fs|DaBOON)
like that?! :D

Posted: 24-03-2003 01:15
by Shuri
3 dutchies in my clan - MaKa{FCU}, MeSSiaH{FCU}, and Insidious{FCU}.

Posted: 24-03-2003 07:10
by Rens2Sea
Anyways, some dutch players:

- TEZC-Rens2Sea (:p)
- TEZC-Focus
- TEZC-Aso
- MaKe{FCU}
- MeSSiaH{FCU}
- Insidious{FCU}
- ZBN|Harold
- [D@MN]D'Capital
- Maegrim
- SickDavie
- Pele (forgot the clan :/)
- some dude from cY :|

peh, there are more then this :/

Gtg to work now :/

Posted: 24-03-2003 12:08
by (fs|DaBOON)
Pele is in my team/squad, and he's from Belgium...unfortunatly.

I don't/didn't know these dutch guys, never heard of them. Strange really. But they're in nice clans. (Een meevaller! :D)

Maybe we should open an IRC channel on quakenet...something like holland.deahtball.

Do you know me Rens?! I don't remember you...

Posted: 24-03-2003 12:11
by DavidM
I'll get a mail out to all dutch players in the DBL and link them to this thread.

Posted: 24-03-2003 12:13
by Rens2Sea
awww, no Pele :(
I've seen you before :D
There is a :p but not many peeps are in there yet :/

Posted: 24-03-2003 12:14
by Rens2Sea
Oooh, nice Dave \o/

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:54
by DavidM
mail sent

Posted: 24-03-2003 14:02
by Rens2Sea
Got it \o/
Only 30 dutch players? O_o

Posted: 24-03-2003 14:23
by DavidM
german players are dominating
150 or so 0_o

Posted: 24-03-2003 14:23
by BL44T

Posted: 24-03-2003 14:28
by BL44T
erm.. :P david.. would u please send me the mail as well :)

Posted: 24-03-2003 15:08
by Focus
I would be up for it