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Week 2 Previews

Posted: 09-12-2004 01:12
by Wibble
Hi all,

Pay a visit to to see my views on the up and coming matches. Any offense taken will be ignored as its just a bit of a laugh \o/


Posted: 09-12-2004 18:18
by GazMaN
lol, nice work wibbs, single handedly keeping the community alive.

p.s sina wont b able to keep his stats going well cos as of now hes officially CUT

Posted: 09-12-2004 19:51
by fb.shev
he got bum raped by karina at school with a strap on so he will never know :(

nah reallyu he has a modem / usb problem

but he still got raped

Posted: 09-12-2004 22:57
by l0afz
Wibbs \o/ \o/ \o/

Posted: 09-12-2004 23:34
by Onge
Nice stuff Wibbs...Ever thought of a career in sports journalism? :p

Posted: 10-12-2004 09:26
by nameless
i love those previews! keep up the great work, plz!

Posted: 10-12-2004 13:55
by GoldenGun
rocks indeed!

Posted: 10-12-2004 13:57
by Achilles
Omg liek Chillys return match(if he plays) >:( 18+ are going down! <3

Posted: 10-12-2004 14:02
by Sixty
Very nice :) Brings the excitment back a bit from the old days.

Posted: 10-12-2004 17:03
by bloodeh
I love this previews, too.

Wibbs ur the man! :D

Posted: 12-12-2004 18:55
by IchbinderPeter