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Wad Is Source Code??

Posted: 27-11-2004 06:57
by jaysheng
can anybody tell me wad is source code and hw to find it?

Posted: 27-11-2004 07:05
by Guy Weldo
The source code is what makes up a web page, it doesn't just magically appear on your computer. Much like a video game or other computer program, web pages use code.

Try right clicking on this page, and try to View Source or View Page Source

In most of the puzzles you will find clues in the source code. This is a tough puzzle, good luck buddy.

Source Code

Posted: 01-12-2004 15:00
by bojones13
Why won't my internet explorer allow me to view the source code????
Please HELP::Pfffff::

Posted: 01-12-2004 16:59
by Kisa
What does it say?

Posted: 01-12-2004 17:24
by bojones13 doesn't do anything...

Posted: 05-12-2004 02:30
by sokrzesik
what exactly are the source codes


Posted: 14-12-2004 01:11
by doum

iam new with this game, and i want what exactly is a source code and how to find it

Posted: 14-12-2004 01:13
by DavidM
view -> source code

its just......the source code of the page :)

Posted: 12-01-2005 02:57
by titan421
if your using internet explorer, click view > source

its the HTML for the page, contains clues sometimes ;)

Posted: 18-01-2005 20:22
by adrianp

Explorer has decided to stop letting me view the source of pages...

it was opening up in notepad but now just does nothing...

Notepad still opens manually so that still works.

Any ideas as I was getting into this




Posted: 19-01-2005 09:26
by Dirk
adrian - try clearing your temp internet files out - then give viewing the source another go

Posted: 27-01-2005 04:29
by Enia
there is a well known bug with Internet explorer that sometimes does not do anything when you click view source or when when you save a jpg image the only option you get is to save it as bmp and you lose its name also.

whenever one of the above are happening go and delete all the files in the Temporary Internet Folder and in the Temporary downloaded programs (they are in your documents and settings profile).
Then everything should work properly!:p

edit: oo sorry just saw that Dirk has mentioned that...:)

Posted: 02-03-2005 10:31
by Lee_Sterick
I'm on AOL and I don't know how and where find the source code !

Is it possible with AOL ? ? ? ? ?

I haven't got IE on my computer and I don't know it !

Posted: 10-03-2005 16:04
by jooly
Take my advice, throw away your computer get a new one and DON'T install AOL on it. You'll never scrub that junk off your computer.

Posted: 15-03-2005 14:07
by jooly
Also, remember that there is a different source code for each frame ;)