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Level 11

Posted: 12-03-2005 17:22
by triper
Hint 1

Check what part of the level applies to its title and access the truth

Posted: 01-06-2006 22:28
by junimond_
keep in mind what level are you on.

Posted: 29-06-2009 14:51
by dark link
I can't find an association between the <removed> and the riddle...

Re: Level 11

Posted: 09-11-2009 14:38
by nofret
Can somebody help me please?

I'm stuck on level 11 and don't know how to get to the next level. I have no idea what could be username and password. :(

Gibt es eigentlich ein deutschsprachiges Forum? Wäre für mich viel einfacher

Thank you

Re: Level 11

Posted: 29-01-2010 19:30
by Outlaw Ralph
I'm also stuck, any more hints we can use?

Re: Level 11

Posted: 30-01-2010 00:48
by frkyjenn
There really aren't any more hints that aren't spoilers.

If you want, you can pm me with some ideas and I'll see what i can do to help you get on the right track


Posted: 16-11-2010 21:21
by dandy
So far it has something with plate or plato???

Re: Level 11

Posted: 16-12-2011 21:09
by Bread
Hey, I think I figured out the part of the riddle that applies to the title, but can't quite figure out the part about following the truth... any hints someone could throw at me?

Re: Level 11

Posted: 28-02-2014 14:41
by Kethus
I don't even see a riddle. There is the title, the url and the pass reminder. Nothing in the source either.

Re: Level 11

Posted: 28-02-2014 17:38
by frkyjenn
pm the url that you have for level 11 and I'll make sure you are where you need to be

Re: Level 11

Posted: 11-11-2014 12:01
by yodan
Stuck at this level for a while, may I ask: why kind of reference is required to crack the riddle? A neerdy one, or a more cultural one (historical, musical, you name it)? Thanks for the hint!

Re: Level 11

Posted: 01-03-2015 06:57
by amh
To crack this level you mean? Observation is the key, like most notpr0n levels!! Think about the above hints :)

Re: Level 11

Posted: 06-03-2015 16:39
by An0r4k
Dudes, i don't even see riddle here. Some help?

Re: Level 11

Posted: 06-03-2015 23:16
by Caradhruin
It might be frustrating to hear it, but the first two posts of this thread really tell you everything you need. Double check the thing(s) you have, you might notice something...