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Idea for next release - Volley Only option

Posted: 21-03-2003 10:13
by Kyllian
Mainly, I've seen it on the SOP and RUSH servers, especially if the respective clans' members are on the server
SImple premise, score only by volley shots. Score by normal shot, you either get your head torn off or kicked/banned
I figured, how bout they have the option when they run the server?
Basically, if the ball is shot/td'd, the ball simple resets and the player gets docked a point or 2, if volleyed, score
Doesn't seem like it would be too hard to code either(taken from my "expansive knowledge" of coding, a.k.a. my guess) You got the custom announcements for each, so I don't think it would be too hard

Oh, yeah, make it advertisable too(in the server browser)
Personally I hate volley only(almost got banned from server cuz I didn't know, wasn't told at first either, or I missed it, anyway), but figure if people wanna play it that way, they might as well have a way they can do it without having to shout it out to people joining the server

[EDIT]Idea #2 Now that the keeper has newfound freedom throughout the penalty zone, how bout reducing their god-ness when out of the keeper box?
I'd like to at least be able to knock the keeper around a bit if he's running around the penalty zone with the ball, or at least mess up his/her shots if you can hit them(10-20% range of error in flight path)
Just a thought

Posted: 21-03-2003 10:49
by f1end
Said yes to the poll, but i don't love volley shots.

But i do think it would be a great idea to have that option, after playing volley-only last night for a while, and a close game being decided by a lame-ass who just shot normally :/

Posted: 21-03-2003 11:37
by Kyllian
I wonder who voted for the last option?:confused:

Posted: 21-03-2003 11:42
by fro
why not use a volley only mutator.

im sure goldeneye made one recently.

plus that solves the problem of the settings not being shown in the server broswer (hopefully someone can code the banana/sprint in, hint ;))

Posted: 21-03-2003 11:50
by DavidM
the first time someone suggests
will be done anyway....

Posted: 21-03-2003 12:13
by Kyllian
I'm not the first to suggest it?
Oh... want me to delete thread then?
The mute idea would work better, I think

Posted: 21-03-2003 12:25
by DavidM
but it will be "only volley goals count, except self-volleys"

Posted: 21-03-2003 18:22
by SpikeBall
what will happen when the goal is not a volley? Reset? Bump?

Posted: 21-03-2003 18:23
by jet2lag
instakill + reset :D

Posted: 21-03-2003 19:05
by Bazzi
Yay \o/

no self-volleying should be an extra option, too.

Posted: 21-03-2003 21:09
by DavidM
well, you just drop it in front of you, then volley....

Posted: 21-03-2003 22:14
by mannyfresh027
you should just add a volley latency

i need to be able to volley my own shots off a wall, or sometimes i bounce it off the floor high into the air so i can volley

Posted: 21-03-2003 23:08
by Surge
DavidM wrote: but it will be "only volley goals count, except self-volleys"

thats the worst idea ever... you ever play small cube 4v4 volley only? i usually chill on the side and do self vollies cause its the easiest and most dependable way to score and the games a lot less spammy cause people still love to put the ball above the keeps head for some reason even tho he whacks it every damn time.

Posted: 23-03-2003 10:30
by [CAB]Maverick
I agree to the idea. Many ppl on servers demand goals be shot only by volley, which makes it harder for beginners. (Some Deathballers seem to think very high and elitelike of themselves, als newbies get frequently flamed) So this option would make it clear for players anyway. The pros can play their volley stuff and are left alone by beginners, and those should be able to learn the game without being flamed constantly. So I vote for this option although I'm not the biggest fan of volleys - I merely suck in anything except being the keeper. :)

Regads, Maverick

Posted: 23-03-2003 14:03
by Rhinosaur
The poll answers are a bit too black and white. This issue is definately a gray area.
TDs should perhaps be exceptional because it seems they are scored one of two ways:
1) an accident - a person is boosted into the net, or
2) The keep and D are sleeping and the guy just walks in.
(Maybe #3 should be ...if you are playing RoofTop!)
The first situation is an accident and should be left to slide....a mistake. The second situation, the guy deserves the goal if he can just waltz into the net. It happened to me a couple of times and I have seen it happen to others...a player just escapes my attention or something....MB anyways!
I dunno...I just think that TDs are outside of this. No biggie...