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Maria's mom is nice and cool

Posted: 16-11-2004 16:54
by Sina
gg 123torrents
Do the following

step 1:
go to

step 2:
enter the following line into the translate textbox: Maria's mom is nice and cool

step 3:
translate from english to spanish.

step 4:
copy the translated text, and translate it back from spanish to english.

quite funny :D

Posted: 16-11-2004 17:00
by Maegrim
lol :d

Posted: 16-11-2004 17:22
by fb.shev
oh im dying of laughter

nah i actually saw this before u told me in school :P didnt know u meant this

Posted: 16-11-2004 18:35
by METAFrank

Posted: 16-11-2004 18:36
by Dazlin

Posted: 16-11-2004 22:13
by Messy
METAFrank wrote: lame.

^ ¬_¬

Posted: 16-11-2004 22:22
by Capital_G

Posted: 16-11-2004 22:23
by speedy

Posted: 16-11-2004 22:34
by Cenotaph
for me it was pretty obvious what was going to happen.

both in portuguese and spanish "mama" means "breast" and also "mom", well actually in portuguese it's "mamã" for mommy and "mama" for breast. but non-unicode characters are the suck. in portuguese "mama" can also translate to "suck it", im not sure if spanish uses mama with that meaning thou.

see? i've teached u guys somethin :p

Posted: 16-11-2004 23:18
by fb.shev
i knew that :D:D:D:

yes its pretty obvious

Posted: 17-11-2004 05:44
by InSaNe`

dot dot dor

Posted: 17-11-2004 14:11
by DavidM
mahaha :D

Posted: 17-11-2004 21:44
by Titanium