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2.3 Discussion?

Posted: 16-11-2004 10:51
by StRaFe
Well lads?:D

Posted: 16-11-2004 11:04
by f1end
Why do I always seem to be a version behind...I only just D/L 2.2b last night.

Posted: 16-11-2004 11:25
by teidon
defaultlinux.ini is (still) borked. For Linux users:
1. Remove default.ini from ut2004/deathball/system directory and rename defaultlinux.ini to default.ini.
2. Try to start Deathball (it will fail).
3. Open ~/.ut2004/deathball/system/Deathball.ini and find [Core.System] section and add line "Paths=../Maps/*.ut2" under it.
4. Play Deathball.

For DavidM: Remove line "-Paths=../Maps/*.ut2" from defaultlinux.ini file's [Core.System] section.

[edit] Added missing dot in to ~/.ut2004/... (.ut2004 is a hidden directory under your home directory)

Posted: 16-11-2004 11:26
by Imaginos
Putting the kettle on and downloading now..

Posted: 16-11-2004 15:25
by METAFrank
- i still miss the option to turn those white circles off... i dont use bot commands anyway

- db-hole is my home map in single player... the problem is no bot can play it

- any1 can give me a tip how i can listen to the menu music without having to bear the in-game-after-scoring-a-goal-music or having to turn it on and off every time i join and leave a game?

- i once sent davidm a corrected form of the, but instead of of taking it he just added some lines to the existing ones - instead of correcting mistakes he added some! Shame on you, David :eek:
(guess its not THAT important though)

To sum up: 2.3 looks good in the first moment, but i think it still feels a lot to "betaish" (word-creat0r award?)
anyway, i hope to see a 2.3b soon, since u now have no time pressure left

Posted: 16-11-2004 15:44
by The_One
Background image is was too bright. Text is unreadable, especially in the server browser.

I was trying out the single player and I stopped being able to hire people. After my first couple of games in league 3 I thought I'd beef the squad up (auto-assigned before). So I removed one and hired a better player, did it again but when I did it a third time it wouldn't let me hire anyone.

I had plenty of money left but the hire button was greyed out. This left me with only 3 players in the squad so further progress was impossible.

Posted: 16-11-2004 16:09
by Inphidel
Bots are a big improvement from 2.2, great job on that.

I dig the new load screens and browser screen.

Hole - I think hole maps you should be able to bounce off the ceiling personally. it adds a new demention to the game for that kind of goal. (it uses alot of standard unreal meshes no? thought that was bad in the db book if you wanted a map included with the game ;P )

echo looks cool. is it the same size as small cube? i cant tell.

anyhow, thanks for 2.3 \o/ good luck in the contest! if you win, make db standalone and free. like enemy territory ;P ppl will all join and play just cuz its free! :)

Posted: 16-11-2004 17:55
by Imaginos
Only got to play for a few moments before work this morning. I installed it to both BuD servers and ran out the door. Looked good from what brief play I gave it to make sure it would run unattended.

Posted: 16-11-2004 20:00
by Esorcismo
there's still some issues with the menu, if I click Join or Host (at least this happened to me), everything I put my mouse over will activate and then no matter what menu item I click on, the menu will choose the item first activated (i.e. for all you programmers, in a FIFO queue). Other than that, doesn't seem like there's too many bugs.

Posted: 16-11-2004 21:42
by Desaster
Seems too be that I was to fast, no european server is currently at 2.3

I noticed that in the Serverbrowser the ping is not shown from the Servers.

Has anyone noticed that too?

Reinstalling was fixing it, Ping is shown.


Created a 1 on1 free server with bot balancing, after scoring the Bot said.,

"Sry I had a popup."

hrhr Great Idea

Great comments from bots

Posted: 16-11-2004 22:20
by Messy
Yeh that was probably Token/Taken ;p

It's not so funny when she does it irl ;) :<

Posted: 16-11-2004 22:55
by METAFrank
i just saw the new DB-Wrongway... just wanted 2 say i LOVE the new design and look forward to play it online... good job

Posted: 17-11-2004 00:17
by The_One
Another (very small) bug in single player. If you click on the picture showing your home stadium (right at the beginning) it moves in front of the arrows that allow you to change it. This makes it impossible to change stadium.

Clicking on the help tab and back again allows you to change stadiums once more.

Posted: 17-11-2004 01:39
by mpratt

Keep giving us feed back on 2.3 and we will make 2.4 even better.

Posted: 17-11-2004 02:33
by Dragonmaster0283
One thing wether its a bug or not is that i noticed in 2.2 and now in 2.3 is that the Ball Time and Time of Possession only counts up after a person has either shot or passed the ball but doesnt count up when a player Is currently carrying the ball only after he gets rid of it.