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Future Versions, feature.

Posted: 11-11-2004 15:24
by Inphidel
welp currently the na league is having a debate about team laming, if you get a lead and just ball hold in your own zone. the mechanics of the game make it where ball holding in your own zone can actually give you better chances at scoring

ie: if you want the ball back. you need to cover man to man, if your going to cover man to man, your defensive player must go into the offensive zone. but even then, who is going to cover the keeper?

what i propose is make use of the team areas, if a team has posession of the ball for 30 seconds in his own zone, it resets or somthing to that nature.

now what i mean by possession is they pass the ball around all they want but unless a player from the other team touches the ball in this time, it will reset. sort of like a shot clock.

this would only work in your own zone imo because you don't wanna have control and be going for a shot and poof it appears in the middle.

if the team sizes arnt big enough, have a 'blue' line like hockey

red side | neutral | center | neutral | blue side

the ball would have to be in the other teams side in order for the timer not to run.

what if they pass across the line and then back you say?
well if you can make it like the pbox timer where there is an ammount of time it must stay up for the timer not to disapear, that'd be fantastic. but the whole point of this is to force the ball near the other teams zone so they don't hafta give up so much field space just to stop a team from laming.

/end blabbing///

Posted: 11-11-2004 16:01
by DavidM
this "problem" is there forever. but it never really was one. when you dont pressure the enemy he can keep the ball. when you do so, its too risky for them and they'll have to get out there


Posted: 11-11-2004 16:07
by [1234]Jr
Shot Clock isnt the greatest idea ever, and would probably screw up Deathball (more? i dunno). It's fine how it is, if you dont pressure the other team you deserve to lose - make them panic and miss a pass, then break onto the offensive.

Posted: 11-11-2004 16:09
by Inphidel
Thats true, however. if your in your own zone, the other team is more vulnerable, if the team without the ball wants the ball. but leaves their defender back .they can only cover 3 of the field players. that leaves the goalie, and someone else is always open.

this is somewhat due to the size of standard deathball maps gives you the ability to spread out so much where monkey in the middle ball holding is somewhat easy to perform, even tho no respectable team would do this for a long period of time I think its worth a shot to put some brainstorming togeather on how to create some kind of in game system to combat it. even if its somthing like, for every 60 seconds the ball must either enter the enemy pbox or it resets. or the ball must be touched by the opposite team to reset this elapsing 'posession' clock

Posted: 11-11-2004 17:12
by l0afz
I agree to this rule :)

Posted: 11-11-2004 17:20
by DavidM
i dont want any restrictions. thats what i hate about basketball...its more like restrictionball...

there has never been a serious problem with this yet. only teams that didnt bother pressuring us complained afterwards. those who did pressure us forced us to get out

Posted: 11-11-2004 18:28
by l0afz
right, you've ever seen / play basketball? :/

Posted: 11-11-2004 18:32
by Imaginos
Ball hogging is a valid tactic. Pro NFL teams do it all the time. If one team can't threaten another to get the ball, they have lost anyway.

Although I can see your point too.. delay of game is kindof a dirtbag act.. Esp if the keeper is doing it.
How about a dead ball sitting in a PZ reset?

Posted: 11-11-2004 18:53
by sergeantduke
Instead of covering 1-on-1, what about covering zones and passing lanes?

Posted: 11-11-2004 19:49
by [1234]Jr
^ Exactly, Zonal Marking is usually much more effective than man-to-man, while i played i never seen this as a problem... maybe its differing styles, i have no idea.

Oh and it's legal in football (aka soccer) too - just not for the keeper or dead ball situations :rolleyes:

Posted: 11-11-2004 20:09
by Inphidel
well the problem with compairing deathball to an actual real life game. is there is fatigue involved. you can only do these thigns for so long before you get tired and give up a ball.

but i won't argue it any further. I just wanted to see if DM would concider such a thing for db so it would be less likely to happen in a league match. we're currently voting on a rule, but without somthing in game its up to refs to enforce these things :P ah well

Posted: 11-11-2004 22:51
by priior
abusive possession is not really _that big_ of a problem if ur team knows what they're doing on d.. and not just boosting back blindly.

unfortunately.. most offense players think playing d is boosting back and sitting in pbox (at least a lot of the offense players in the clan im in think that way..)

keep a man on each person (keep included) covering passing lanes...

Posted: 12-11-2004 00:14
by R3L!K
a good attacker can always punish the over zealous 'offensive' keeper - by laming if necessary

Posted: 12-11-2004 13:24
by [1234]Jr
Tiredness can have nothing to do with missing a pass, good pressure makes him panic into tossing it quickly and without due care, which causes someone to take advantage.

anyway... it wont come in... yet... *dum dum dummmmm*

*slaps R3L!K tango style and runs off ... for no reason*

Posted: 12-11-2004 22:58
by JarO
would be great if 2.3 woks with All Seeing Eye