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apology to dirt

Posted: 11-11-2004 08:41
by priior
as agreed, here's the apology:

i sincerely apologize, dirt, that we decided to play v/s WKD instead of v/s rush (again).

we love to play v/s rush.. but wkd hadnt played a scrim in ages, so we thoguht it would be good for them to get some play time in.

i hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive us.

here's the pciture as promised:

( @ )

Posted: 11-11-2004 10:43
by DavidM
when i saw the thread title I thought you said Surge was a pile of dirt, and now you apologize to dirt

Posted: 11-11-2004 15:48
by theberkin8or
gg ufo is bant no more db for a week

Posted: 11-11-2004 16:57
by speedy
/whois dirt

Posted: 11-11-2004 17:13
by l0afz
gg from NA, why else -.-

Posted: 11-11-2004 20:05
by Messy
<3 ufo ;o

You just played WKD because RusH is harder! ;p

Posted: 11-11-2004 22:53
by priior
lol we played wkd cuz they never play in scrims.. and when we play them.. rush starts crying :)

so i told them if i post an apology would they stop crying? :)

promised a picture too :)

as for surge./.. i was reading back the posts the other day (on DB 2 year bday..) and i found the post surge made with

this thread is lame [ ] weak [ ] funny [x]
this is a question about: bug [ ]

funny as hell.. how could i hate surge for allthe entertainment hes provided?:) (some despite him:)

Posted: 11-11-2004 23:16
by theberkin8or
priior plz uninstalll

Posted: 11-11-2004 23:32
by BagsLee

Posted: 12-11-2004 02:43
by InSaNe`

I like p00p caek.

Posted: 12-11-2004 03:42
by Puck
quick summary:

[18:39] <Puck`> HI im ufo
[18:39] <Puck`> we will scrimm WKD now
[18:39] <Puck`> ok m8s we got like 4 you got 7 when your done lets do this
[18:39] <Puck`> OH really we will mercy them out and play you guys
[18:40] <Puck`> K
[18:40] <Puck`> OH mates i know you waited 30 mins for this scrimm but WKD is new and needs more practice we gonna scrimm them again
[18:40] <Puck`> well
[18:40] <Puck`> wtf didnt you tell us that 30 mins ago so we dun gotta wait?

Posted: 12-11-2004 04:30
by priior
you can blame me for everything.

gib already sends lotsa h8 my way.

everyone else can dot he same.. i can take it.

and lets get over it k?

Posted: 12-11-2004 04:58
by Dirt
:ban: ::Pfffff::

Posted: 12-11-2004 05:27
by Messy
InSaNe` wrote: lollerhaus

I like p00p caek.

/whois Messy|sleep

(05:29:20) (( /whois start ))
(05:29:20) —› is "p00pcæk" (
(05:29:20) —› is authed as "p00pcaek"
(05:29:20) —› opped in #BL44T #ut.nd #phezz #venomclan #db-au #leetdutchmeeting #clanvenom #?! #damnwar.db #sd.priv
(05:29:20) —› voiced in #dbcommunity #silentchaos #krew #ltcclan
(05:29:20) —› reg in #deathball #db-phoenix #enemy-territory #dbpickup
(05:29:20) —› using (Mediatraffic QuakeNet server)
(05:29:20) —› has been idle for 2mins 3secs
(05:29:20) —› signed on 15hrs 38mins 39secs ago
(05:29:20) (( /whois end ))

hrhr D: <3 Amin (gg I've stopped forgetting)

Posted: 12-11-2004 08:31
by Maelstrom
... RusH made a big deal that you scrimmed WKD over them?

Big ass motherfucking SIGH.

Way to go...