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Something be making me mad...

Posted: 03-11-2004 07:07
by [-SoP-]ATB
for the love of god STOP change the damn volley radius every damn update.. it's ridiculous.

Posted: 03-11-2004 07:09
by XiD

Posted: 03-11-2004 07:25
by Nordy

Posted: 03-11-2004 08:09
by l0afz
it took you a while to figure out its been changed?

Posted: 03-11-2004 08:55
by [-SoP-]ATB
no, just started playin again and realized how stupid this was.

Posted: 03-11-2004 10:29
by DavidM
The last volley radius change was on March 7th 2003

Posted: 03-11-2004 10:53
by R3L!K

btw, welcome back ATB.

Posted: 03-11-2004 12:36
by [-SoP-]ATB
well y'all are doin somethin to the volley thats pissin all of us off...

Posted: 03-11-2004 12:41
by StRaFe
DavidM wrote: The last volley radius change was on March 7th 2003

Rofl you sure? Debateable that davidm actually is lead designer some times\o/

Posted: 03-11-2004 13:02
by [-SoP-]ATB
The last volley radius change was on March 7th 2003

Yea.. the Keeper Volley Radius.

Posted: 03-11-2004 13:19
by Mongeh
and pissin all who off.?....

Posted: 03-11-2004 13:23
by [-SoP-]ATB
well 2 people seemed to agree in a maximum of 10 minutes so stuf

Posted: 03-11-2004 13:26
by Mongeh
was tht meant to be stfu? ... obscenities already, and u realise if uda walked into bush's campaign managment hq u wuda found 2 ppl voting for him in 10 mins too?(tht was wat's called an analogy) i for one play 3v3 regulalrly, and 2on2 for tht matter and ooh just to top it all off im a keeper,

i don't see problems with it, if anything feels different with a new version it only takes getting used to, this version is only better imo for ppl who wat to volley

Posted: 03-11-2004 13:29
by [-SoP-]ATB
how long have you been playing for?

Posted: 03-11-2004 13:31
by Mongeh
since 1.4b