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Sprint decision, coming to an end...

Posted: 18-03-2003 16:40
by DavidM
-If pretty much all teams want sprinting to be dissabled, I don't see a problem in making it a home decision.
If only 2 teams in your league like it you will have max 2 matches with it.
Maybe even less. Because just like the map choice, it's a tactical thing.
Which map, and which option do I use against this team? How do I have the biggest winning chance.

-It also makes the away-matches more worthy to win, which is quite a cool thing....
because until now there isnt hardly any dissadvantage for the guest, since the pings are equal.

-That way the best team has to be able to play all play styles on all maps.
Most are scared by sprinting because it gives the game so much more depth and is harder to play.
You didn't manage well with your stamina in one situation, and it might be scored against you.
So in home games there will be a bigger gap between bad and good teams, if a bad team has a home game it will be easier for them.
But don't be affraid, In the end, there won't be an überteam, because every team can specialize themself on a certain scenario.
For example you can play all your home matches on Chill with Sprint. If you do this very well,
no other team will be able to beat you there. But the other way around, it will be much harder in away games.

-Some people say the matches would not be compareable. Well, but this is nonesense, because then you would have to play all matches on the same map.
It makes a big difference if you play on Chill, Curve or November.

-And another point is, that I am responsible to get the max amount of people to play Deathball which can be a stupid situation sometimes.
Have sprint on scares people away, have it off scares some away, so 50:50 (which will more like 90% off, 10% on) is the best way to go for me. I am the asshole anyway...

-Bit offtopic, but sprinting will also be changed a bit: Less stamina cost for jumping (50% probably), it will be easier to jump during a sprint. That's all we have planed right now.

The 2nd best alternative I see:
In first division: Sprint always on
In 2nd and lower devisions: Sprint Off! If both teams agree, Sprint on.
Because it would really really hurt too see the best of the best teams (in first division) play the light version without sprint.
It removes a lot of the complexity, and it can hardly be justified that the top teams play DB-light.

So if you have some valid arguments against the stuff I have said, it might be changed.
Anyone acting childish and saying its just a cY decision will be ignored. Actually cY was never asked.
Not about league rules, nor about the DB development.
And don't say the same thing over and over! A lot of people here tend to do so, you know you are (I hope). One time is enough!

Please reply when you agree and when you disagree with a certain point. Otherwise it might give a wrong impression, when only the disagree-ers reply.

Posted: 18-03-2003 17:57
by FeEdiKo

Posted: 18-03-2003 18:08
by Bazzi
disagree to home team decision, I want it always on (and less-powered :P )


1) Less-powered means 2/3 of current stamina (or something similar - would need to be tested) which *should* reduce sprintspam
2) Having too much different types of gameplay sucks (sprint actually DOES change the gameplay completely). keep it simple. people want arcade.
3) Home team advantage doesnt need to be bigger than map, which is very big at the moment....
4) Reducing jump stamina loss just sucks... would be ok though if you reduce max stamina!
You didn't manage well with your stamina in one situation, and it might be scored against you.
Similar to 1). Remember that D is also in advantage w/ sprint, not just O.

Re: Sprint decision, coming to an end...

Posted: 18-03-2003 18:29
by EliCA
Ok serious post :D
Originally posted by DavidM
-If pretty much all teams want sprinting to be dissabled, I don't see a problem in making it a home decision.
If only 2 teams in your league like it you will have max 2 matches with it.
Maybe even less. Because just like the map choice, it's a tactical thing.
Which map, and which option do I use against this team? How do I have the biggest winning chance.
-It also makes the away-matches more worthy to win, which is quite a cool thing....
because until now there isnt hardly any dissadvantage for the guest, since the pings are equal.
You said it... "since the pings are equal". I almost never played a match with equal pings, and I think this is already an advantage for home team.
-That way the best team has to be able to play all play styles on all maps.
Most are scared by sprinting because it gives the game so much more depth and is harder to play.
You didn't manage well with your stamina in one situation, and it might be scored against you.
Having a bigger gap between bad and good teams is a good thing, and those who don't like it are probably just too lazy to learn all styles.
But don't be affraid, In the end, there won't be an überteam, because every team can specialize themself on a certain scenario.
For example you can play all your home matches on Chill with Sprint. If you do this very well,
no other team will be able to beat you there. But the other way around, it will be much harder in away games.
-Some people say the matches would not be compareable. Well, but this is nonesense, because then you would have to play all matches on the same map.
It makes a big difference if you play on Chill, Curve or November.
-And another point is, that I am responsible to get the max amount of people to play Deathball which can be a stupid situation sometimes.
Have sprint on scares people away, have it off scares some away, so 50:50 (which will more like 90% off, 10% on) is the best way to go for me. I am the asshole anyway...
OMG... if it is more like 90% - 10%, turn them off and stop :)
-Bit offtopic, but sprinting will also be changed a bit: Less stamina cost for jumping (50% probably), it will be easier to jump during a sprint. That's all we have planed right now.
That's better :)

Posted: 18-03-2003 18:32
by DavidM
"OMG... if it is more like 90% - 10%, turn them off and stop"

Well, this point is kinda excluded by point 1, isn't it?

Posted: 18-03-2003 18:35
by liebs19
I agree that you should lose less for jumping. However, I disagree that the home team should decide. It should be always on or always off. Picking the map is a big enough advantage if your team does it right. I also do not think widening the gap between good and bad teams is a good thing. This scared away a lot of teams from American Qualification (not sure about the Euro one) because they could not compete. I want close competitive games. I don't want to blow out all the bad teams.

juts my 2 cents...


Posted: 18-03-2003 18:35
by EliCA
Yeah, but it was just to say that I don't like sprint at all :p
But I know you can't turn them off now...

Posted: 18-03-2003 18:37
by DavidM
liebs19 wrote: I agree that you should lose less for jumping. However, I disagree that the home team should decide. It should be always on or always off. Picking the map is a big enough advantage if your team does it right. I also do not think widening the gap between good and bad teams is a good thing. This scared away a lot of teams from American Qualification (not sure about the Euro one) because they could not compete. I want close competitive games. I don't want to blow out all the bad teams.

juts my 2 cents...


You also have to see that the bad teams will have easier matches in home matches, right?

Re: Sprint decision, coming to an end...

Posted: 18-03-2003 18:38
by -NS-KillerRebel
-If pretty much all teams want sprinting to be dissabled, I don't see a problem in making it a home decision.
If only 2 teams in your league like it you will have max 2 matches with it.
Maybe even less. Because just like the map choice, it's a tactical thing.
Which map, and which option do I use against this team? How do I have the biggest winning chance.
disagree, if pretty much all teams want sprinting to be dissabled then why make them play with it? i thought the vote we had was going to determine this...
-It also makes the away-matches more worthy to win, which is quite a cool thing....
because until now there isnt hardly any dissadvantage for the guest, since the pings are equal.
disagree, why should you be at a dissadvantage just because you are not the home team? home team advantage already exists in picking the map and using their server. also, pings can be different if they are a local team and have a local server whereas the other team is spread out and farther away from the server and will have worse pings.
-That way the best team has to be able to play all play styles on all maps.
Most are scared by sprinting because it gives the game so much more depth and is harder to play.
You didn't manage well with your stamina in one situation, and it might be scored against you.
Having a bigger gap between bad and good teams is a good thing, and those who don't like it are probably just too lazy to learn all styles.
But don't be affraid, In the end, there won't be an überteam, because every team can specialize themself on a certain scenario.
For example you can play all your home matches on Chill with Sprint. If you do this very well,
no other team will be able to beat you there. But the other way around, it will be much harder in away games.
disagree, actually i found it much easier to score with sprinting on. so... i guess if i still played defense i would find it harder. once again, why should it be harder in away games?
-Some people say the matches would not be compareable. Well, but this is nonesense, because then you would have to play all matches on the same map.
It makes a big difference if you play on Chill, Curve or November.
i would love it if we played all games on the same map :devil:
-And another point is, that I am responsible to get the max amount of people to play Deathball which can be a stupid situation sometimes.
Have sprint on scares people away, have it off scares some away, so 50:50 (which will more like 90% off, 10% on) is the best way to go for me. I am the asshole anyway...
don't really see what you are getting at here... if i read it right you are contradicting your first statement about being responsible to get the max amount of people to play Deathball.
-Bit offtopic, but sprinting will also be changed a bit: Less stamina cost for jumping (50% probably), it will be easier to jump during a sprint. That's all we have planed right now.
i do like this change if sprint were to be used ;)

basically, i want it either on or off.... preferably off :)

Posted: 18-03-2003 19:00
by liebs19
DavidM wrote: You also have to see that the bad teams will have easier matches in home matches, right?

Not really, if there is a chance spriting will be on the good teams will learn it. They are the good teams for a reason.

Posted: 18-03-2003 19:03
by DavidM
But their are so many possible matches (all maps with sprint on and off), no team can be good with all. In the end there won't be überteams 'cause of that.

Re: Sprint decision, coming to an end...

Posted: 18-03-2003 19:11
by [BF]010101|Jeez
-If pretty much all teams want sprinting to be dissabled, I don't see a problem in making it a home decision.
If only 2 teams in your league like it you will have max 2 matches with it.
Maybe even less. Because just like the map choice, it's a tactical thing.
Which map, and which option do I use against this team? How do I have the biggest winning chance.

-> disagree
If pretty much all team want sprinting disabled, I don't see a problem in making it disepear.
If only 2 teams in my league like it, I dont see why these teams can force everyone to practice sprint while we hate it.
And the argument about tactical choice is just crap...The fact you seem to forgot is that db is a FUN mod. So dont want some "tactical choice" that would change the game into something that we dont like. Without fun, db is dead.
-It also makes the away-matches more worthy to win, which is quite a cool thing....
because until now there isnt hardly any dissadvantage for the guest, since the pings are equal.
-> disagree
First, I dont understand why the home team should win in your mind. The best team of the league should be able to win all their matches, not only all their home match + 1 or 2 others..
Second, where did you see the pings where equal ??
We ping more than 200 in the server of a team in our league.
I cant tell you that behing home or not against this team make all the difference.
So, server + map are a big enough avdantage for home team, would be sensless to add something else to this.

-That way the best team has to be able to play all play styles on all maps.
Most are scared by sprinting because it gives the game so much more depth and is harder to play.
You didn't manage well with your stamina in one situation, and it might be scored against you.
Having a bigger gap between bad and good teams is a good thing, and those who don't like it are probably just too lazy to learn all styles.
But don't be affraid, In the end, there won't be an überteam, because every team can specialize themself on a certain scenario.
For example you can play all your home matches on Chill with Sprint. If you do this very well,
no other team will be able to beat you there. But the other way around, it will be much harder in away games.
-> disagree.
I just cant understand you think what you say is cool ...
Whats the interest if a team can win all them home match while playing chill + sprint if they sux at all the rest.
You will have a sucky team in the middle of the ranking.

-Some people say the matches would not be compareable. Well, but this is nonesense, because then you would have to play all matches on the same map.
It makes a big difference if you play on Chill, Curve or November.

-> disagree
First, changing map isnt the same at all as changing the physic gameplay.
You can play soccer in a square or in a cercle, it wont change a lot.
But sprint is like playing soccer on iceskate, it change all the basic rules.
Anyhow, in our league, we did play ALL matches on cube, so your argument is pointless.

-And another point is, that I am responsible to get the max amount of people to play Deathball which can be a stupid situation sometimes.
Have sprint on scares people away, have it off scares some away, so 50:50 (which will more like 90% off, 10% on) is the best way to go for me. I am the asshole anyway...

Are you responsible to get the max people playing db, or to have the most people ENJOY db...Cause if you see the vote poll, a lot of people wont enjoy at all what you want to do...

-Bit offtopic, but sprinting will also be changed a bit: Less stamina cost for jumping (50% probably), it will be easier to jump during a sprint. That's all we have planed right now.

-> I dont really care, I just hope sprint will be always off.

As you can see, I dont agree to any of your argument, dont take it personal =)
But in my mind, you HAVE to respect the poll results.
The db players have to enjoy their game, so dont scrap this nice mod =/

Posted: 18-03-2003 19:15
by DavidM
Are you responsible to get the max people playing db, or to have the most people ENJOY db...Cause if you see the vote poll, a lot of people wont enjoy at all what you want to do... "

this one makes no sense, because of #1

Posted: 18-03-2003 19:27
by -NS-KillerRebel
yeah... what was the point in running the poll if you were just gonna disregard the results? what was the point in people voting if you don't care what they voted and you just want to go against it? this just totally defeats the purpose of having the poll and, IMO, makes the DBL less respectful.

Posted: 18-03-2003 19:29
by DavidM
Well, I never put up a vote, I never asked for one, when it was there I found it was a stupid idea, because sprinting was only there for 1-2 days and people were not able to judge it.
And because of my first point it was stupid too....