
Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by Rhinosaur »

Well, I dunno exactly why I am writing this, and maybe it's laughable for most of you.
Most people here seem to be pretty hardcore about this game; every match is boom or bust and the in-game comments get pretty harsh at times.
Due to my circumstance, I have to play from S.Korea right now, as that is where I am lecturing. (Yes, I am a 32-year-old professor, not a teenager) I am therefore blessed with a terrrible ping (200-400) and thus percieved as a n00b.
I can live with it. I love playing this game and can live with my apparent handicap, but most players can't. I get a lot of comments that really get me p/o, but for the sake of civility, I refrain from responding. Some people who may know me realize I cannot be the best player with that kind of ping, and they just let me be. I thank those people.
To people who ask me to leave the pubs b/c of my ping, or berate me in-game ([LIMB]ArDeN), all I can say is you are too young/ignorant to see yourself in other people....put yourself in other's shoes for a moment. You are playing on a public server (or a clan server which is hosting a public match) and that means that people should be able to play regardless of their ablilities or lack thereof or their ping number.
Nobody likes losing, myself included, but the only one who loses is he who cannot enjoy the game for itself, outside of the victory. I have a blast playing the game. It's the only game I have ever indulged in online, and I look forward to playing whenever I can. With that said, in the spirit of comraderie and sportsmanship, let me and others do just that.
I don't mind being told what to do or how to do something better; I am not above reproach for some of my play, but let's try to keep our comments above the belt and about the game.
Ok....I guess this is a rant/b!tch/whine....whatever. I really got sore after this went down. I am not trying to some pillar of morality or the collective conscience. I just want to feel free to enjoy myself among peole who have a similar interest as I.
Live and let live.
See you on the field....
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Post by mannyfresh027 »


that jerk >=[

just know that he sucks too :D

good luck keep playing, keep getting better

btw your name means nose lizard O_o
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Post by |-F-|Prodigy »

Youre more than welcome to play on Flatlines server anyday.
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Post by Surge »

Fun became extinct Febuary 26, 2003. This game is nothing but aggrivation on public servers.
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Post by beefsack »

i agree with you rhino. while i am not (usually) the subject of abuse, i am sick of ppl abusing others when they do the smallest thing wrong, or abuse n00bs. ozforces in australia have been really working on getting rid of abuse in the servers, and now n00bs are willing to play and get good, and the amount of players has really begun to rise :) .

imo n00bs should be helped out. it will be for the greater good of deathball.

ps. im not calling you a n00b rhino :p
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Post by Rhinosaur »

Thanks for the support guys. In retrospect, my post seems a bit boo-hooey. That was never my intention....I really don't know what my intention was. Just to vent, I guess.
As I said before, I need lots of practice and appreciate advice on the pitch. So, if we do cross cyber-paths, give me a hand with the finer points of DB.
Let's keep it the greatest mod around!
Thanks again.
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Post by night »

im always trying to help.
its just hard to find the ones that want to listen
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Post by DavidM »

it's just a problem deathball has...but it cannot be fixed...

having one bad player on your team can really ruin it for the team, because you really have to rely on your 4 guys, one bad deed and all in one team have a problem
in deathmatch "n00bs" are always welcome, because you can just kick their ass, but in DB you have to get along
I'm usually trying to help, but sometimes I find myself shouting at teh n00bs too
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Post by Insidious {FCU} »

Teyh are just part of the with them...
Live with the n00b...u will die by the n00b (when he becomes good)...
Hmm....i should leave my n00bcannon in the armory for a while...
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Post by fluffykitten »

Genuine newbies who make honest mistakes then learn from them aren't a problem, it's the idiots who know what they're doing is stupid but do it anyway. Hey, kind of like the spammers on this board.
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Post by Rhinosaur »

I think it's ok to shout instructions at novice fact, those times were my best lessons, but they needn't be personal or excessively harsh.
David, this is a problem on the net in general; anonymity gives people the courage to say things they would't say in person.
As far as being a novice, I must say that I am not. I have been playing DB for a while now (since 1.3)...under various names when I was a REAL novice, but then I stuck to 'Rhinosaur' after learning enough to not be TOTALLY embarrassed.
I still screw hasn't become second nature yet, so I guess I am still a 'n00b'. I can't wait for the time when I can pull it all together!
In my own defense, I did play a couple of sub-200 ping games and did really well. :D
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Post by FAT('.')BOY »

Its an age thing, most of us by the time we reach 20 odd have learnt how to behave in public. The servers may be anonomous but they are still public and abuse is not necessary or helpfull no matter what the circumstances.

What is unfortunate is that most of the abuse is directed at people who know the game but have just fucked up in some way, lighten up and give these people a break. As the man says it is meant to be fun.

Don't ban noob, ban kids is what I say =)
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Post by fluffykitten »

Well more specifically it's a maturity problem, age is only a rough guide there ;)
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Post by DavidM »

"so I guess I am still a 'n00b'. I can't wait for the time when I can pull it all together!"

nevermind, i am playing it since middle october and some n00bs are still trying to tell me how to pass :D
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Post by f1end »

David....It's right click, ok ;)