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Deathball makes MSUC phase 4 finalists

Posted: 08-10-2004 17:52
by Imaginos
As if there was any doubt. Congrats to the team!

Posted: 08-10-2004 19:34
by Negative9

Posted: 08-10-2004 19:37
by BrileyPS
Yeah, just saw it myself..pretty cool.


Posted: 08-10-2004 21:28
by Fooman

Posted: 08-10-2004 22:01
by Cenotaph
This means they can participate in the grand finals, right?

Posted: 09-10-2004 04:12
by sergeantduke
Yeah, where "participate" means "totally own".

Posted: 09-10-2004 09:17
by l0afz
<><><> COOL <><><>

Posted: 09-10-2004 11:34
by DavidM
Good to know what we can enter the Grand Final.
Hm wondering what the judging will be like. I don't have big hopes for Phase 4. The results seem to be random as usual.... (or for what other reason can crap like Unwheel etc win? :P)
But for the Grand Final they need to vote for a serious game which can be released and anything, which excludes most. I mean you can't sell stuff like Unwheel, Mutai, Unreal Demolition, USkaarj, Provice of Demons and I think it wouldn't make much sense to sell one of those Counterstrike-like games (of which we already have 10000 on the planet). But I still expect them to chose one of those unoriginal ones, it would just fit....x_X (it's no more split into FPS or NON-FPS then).

Well, we are trying to get Deathball ready, including a motivating single player mode (read my log on the page for more details).

Posted: 09-10-2004 16:01
by FL-
Bad news is...
eVOLVE: Will the no. 1 winning mod be selected because of it's potential for commercial release? Unreal 4 Ever, the mod that won the previous contest was barely ever mentioned afterwards. What if the winning mod can't realistically use the license?

MarkRein[Epic]: NO, mods will not be judged on their commercial potential. If the winner can't use the license we reserve the right to give it another contestant.
I should add to that...
The winner does not have to use the engine license for the mod they won with. They could create a completely new game... and use the engine for that.

Posted: 09-10-2004 19:00
by Ashleh
Interesting... well done team

Posted: 09-10-2004 19:43
by Imaginos
I would also do something about the ASE issue. A default install of it shows ZERO deathball servers. Not the thing you want to see if you're looking for an exciting happenin' mod to play.

Posted: 09-10-2004 21:32
by Cenotaph
Well, There is a reason why DeathBall wont win Phase 4 again...

What has changed from the previous version? almost nothing...

But in the grand finals with the SP version and maybe the new models(?) it can win. Thou, I think Alien Swarm still has the best chance...

Imo, DeathBall can also be included in that group of "unlikely to be released commercialy"...


Posted: 09-10-2004 22:30
by Weisso
Couldn't sell UD in it's current form, but you ain't seen nothin yet.

Anyhoo, grats guys and good luck in final judging.


Posted: 10-10-2004 00:43
by Armagon
Personally, I think Alien Swarm has the best chance of winning phase 4, although Deathball provides more long term entertainment.

I think a lot of the problem is that Deathball doesn't look very nice at the moment. Hopefully BrileyPS will change that and make Deathball a lot more appealing to potential players.

Posted: 10-10-2004 03:32
by sergeantduke
Alien Swarm sucks. I'd vote for MetaBall, myself. Edit: If it weren't for DeathBall, of course.