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Taken from the 2217 patch change list

Posted: 15-03-2003 11:45
by Feep!
"spectators can only chat with spectators"

maybe you know why i think this is poison
for deathball. i hope countermeasures will
be taken :eek:


Posted: 15-03-2003 11:54
by NitrousOxide
Maybe Epic are trying to tell us that Deathball is so excessively spam orientated, with game rules that were decided with 1 seconds thought and it should be converted into a chat mod, where we all go into spectate mode and fly round the maps...

We can then wait around for another mod, where the design team arent hell-bent on not upsetting their peers (i.e. combining a set of rules with no balance), at the cost of destroying what was a nice concept in its infancy.

Posted: 15-03-2003 12:04
by fro
Spectators only chat with spectators

This will be optional in the next beta patch (and off by default).

- Steve

Steven Polge
Epic Games

Posted: 15-03-2003 12:39
by fro
NitrousOxide wrote: Maybe Epic are trying to tell us that Deathball is so excessively spam orientated, with game rules that were decided with 1 seconds thought and it should be converted into a chat mod, where we all go into spectate mode and fly round the maps...

We can then wait around for another mod, where the design team arent hell-bent on not upsetting their peers (i.e. combining a set of rules with no balance), at the cost of destroying what was a nice concept in its infancy.

can i have a link to your mod please?

when youve made one, pm me.

thanks. :rolleyes:

Posted: 15-03-2003 13:34
by DavidM
since its optional its even better than now

i also am trying to make tnse make a list with all spectators (on f4 probably)
its hard, but I keep trying

Posted: 15-03-2003 14:33
by Surge
wont programs like IRC reported and some other mut's throw that off a bit cause they occpy a game spot?

Posted: 15-03-2003 17:50
by Zanboo
IRC reporter doesn't take a spectator spot

Posted: 15-03-2003 22:33
by Bazzi
We need an ignore function, too!

Posted: 15-03-2003 22:49
by mannyfresh027
the new patch kicks ass

i have it and the changes theyve made are amazing

you'll love it when you get it

Posted: 15-03-2003 23:26
by Sarevok3k
i have that problem that i don't have rings around the ballcarrier when i have the new beta patch installed, and the "can't sprint bug" happens quite more often than with 2199. :rolleyes:

Posted: 15-03-2003 23:50
by mannyfresh027
there are no rings, but for some reason i dont care

its fine in deathball

Posted: 16-03-2003 02:08
by Goldeneye
well just played 2 maps with the new patch online and in the first one (cube) i had no rings around ballcarrier, but in the second one (november) the carrier had these rings again. so possible reasons may be: rings don't like cube, you need a mapchange on the server to make them visible for you, there are no rings for you if you join midgame.

Posted: 16-03-2003 04:15
by ZET
rings arround ballcarrier?
what do they look like? think i never had them =)

edit: aha it looks like this?

edit2: tested in lan carrier had rings...strange have too look at it tomorrow =)