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Posted: 15-03-2003 00:39
by Tzarcon
Hey, Im a guy whos been a hardcore HL mapper for years, but Im moving to UT2003 now. Anyway, this is my first ever UT2003 map, and I made it for deathball. Its in a U-Shape.

In the shots, as you can see behind the net is cliff. I put a blocking volume there to make it flat and make volleying possible


I'll have it ready for download soon

Posted: 15-03-2003 02:08
by Surge
is this another U map?

Posted: 15-03-2003 09:59
by Maegrim
no, its a oddly shaped N ;)

Posted: 15-03-2003 13:46
by DavidM
An uneven ground and not-flat walls are horrible for DB's gameplay.

Posted: 15-03-2003 13:58
by jet2lag
well on FFA it could be quite fun because it develops "random gameplay" :p

Posted: 15-03-2003 14:35
by Surge
playing Invasion on DB maps is fun as shit, this could be a good candidate for the DM prefix.

Posted: 15-03-2003 20:48
by Tzarcon
Im going to be putting blocking volumes around the tops of the walls to flatten it out a bit, and theres blocking volumes behind the nets for volleying, I still have to test it out to see how well its going to work

Posted: 16-03-2003 19:23
by WarHor3
a personal suggestion for the light sources...take a look alleria for snow covered will make ur map look better and more realistic. Those look kinda odd.

Posted: 24-03-2003 09:45
by Alars
yeah the lighting in the goals is got two light right next to it...

Posted: 24-03-2003 17:39
by |NERV|NapalmDaw
Uhhhhhmmm. BR-Icefields anyone?