DB Stats

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DB Stats

Post by Inphidel »

I'm hoping that a DB coder would be willing to add in the ability to export serverside. match results in HTML code.

some of the community has been doing research into the current output - but we're not really sure what all the numbers mean.

basicly i'd loveto see somthing done with tables.

if not atleast an explanation of what the stats mean so someone can code a converter program

Red,2,41,2,0,69,412,234,17,2,122,0,0,47,33,9,19,1, 95,69,31
Blue,19,59,42,0,47,550,260,2,18,137,2,1,69,27,20,1 0,0,69,95,64
{UFO}GoalScorer,,1,6,16,8,87,54,0,10,26,1,0,8,0,4, 0,0,28,18,8
{UFO}Prophet,,1,15,9,9,123,63,0,4,33,1,0,14,0,8,0, 0,19,34,14
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Post by speedy »

take a screenshot of it in game with and get that without the stats being changed and compare :o

we'll it would be easier for someone for tv to tell us :>
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Post by fro »

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Post by Inphidel »

well one problem is, it puts Specs on the blue team :O
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Post by priior »

inphidel.. the stats numbers are pretty much all mapped... imag and i did that a while back..

i think fr0's link might be it.
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Post by Inphidel »

ahh, well, now we just need a program :P
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Post by priior »

program isnt hard. that's the easy part.

hard part is colelcting reliable stats.. since the stats are generated client side only.

maybe when team vortex gets done programming in gameplay changes.. they can make the client side stats get generated server side with ID hashes?

cuz as imaginos has said.. deathball would become really popular if peopel can track their stats on a central page.

ppl dig that sorta stuff.
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Post by Imaginos »

I'm not sure the clientside stats are really what we want..

http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php? ... _id=222935

The existing UTStatsDB is up and running for me already. In fact it has been for some time now.. Unfortunately, it doesn't correctly interpret Deathball as logged in the native UT2004 local logging. If we could change that, things could turn around immediately. Unfortunately, I have no idea what I'm looking at when it comes to the raw UT2004 logfile.
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Post by priior »

assumignt he client side log is correct.. i think it's MUCH easier to parse that file for logs than trying to interpret what an intercept is etc.. from the raw ut2k4 files (if ball was last tossed by red player.. then blue players touched it.. its an intercept.. etc..) can get complicated.

what is REALLY needed is a server side log similar to the client side log (csv are easy to work with) that uses a hash id for each player.

hashID,name,6,6,7,5,4,7,4,2,6,8,5,3,5,7,8,5,12:67 (how long he was connected for)

a big log of that on the server side..

then all we have to do is run a script (php, perl, etc..) to parse it and dump the information in a database.. OR just spit it out on a screen with nice formatting.
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Post by Imaginos »

I absolutely agree that it would be easier. However, the play-by-play would then be missing. Overload, the author of OLStats, was willing to help the Deathball team in outlining what is needed to have the standard ut2004 stats engine generate complete and meaningful stats output. I would hope they take advantage of that.

edit: WOOT! I found some help documentation for the ut2004 native logs! Now to decompile deathball*.u and see what events are recorded to the clientside and NOT to the normal stats.
The data in the file will have the following format, fields are delimited by tabs (tabs in fields are replaced by underscores):

(timestamp) (event) (data)

(timestamp) is the number of seconds since the level has been loaded
(event) is a tag that defines what event occured, it will be one of the
NG New Game
SI Server Info
SG The game has started
EG The game has ended
C A player has connected
D A player has disconnected
S Score event
T Team score event
K Kill
TK Team kille
P Special player event, like: first blood, killing spree, type kill, multikill
G Special game event: flag drop, name changes, etc.
V Chat (3rd party addition)
TV Team chat (3rd party addition)
(data) This is depended on the event type:
(full time) (timezone) (map name) (map title) (map author) (game type) (game name)
(server name) (timezone) (admin name) (admin email) (other server info)
nothing but the tag
(player number) (player name | player stat ID)
note: this line will appear twice per player if worldstat logging is enabled, first with the player name then with the stat ID
(player number)
(player number) (points) (description)
(team) (points) (description)
K or TK
(killer number) (damage type) (victim number) (vicitim weapon)
(player number) (description)
description is usualy something like: first_blood, spree_#, type_kill, multikill_#
(event description) (player number) (description)
the event description is often something like:
flag_dropped, flag_taken, flag_returned, flag_returned_timeout, flag_pickup, flag_captured, NameChange, TeamChange, bomb_droppen, bomb_taken, bomb_pickup, bomb_returned_timeout
description is often used for the player number or team number, depends on the game event
(player number) (message)
(player number) (message)
Last edited by Imaginos on 18-09-2004 17:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Imaginos »

Additionally, I have the ut2k4stats log and the clientside dbstats log for the same game to compare results. Right now, it looks like normal ut2k4 stats aren't seeing volleys as events.. I am going to attempt to manually parse the ut2k4 log to see how close it comes to the deathball's stats output. If you want to play along too, the files are here:

DB clientside Stats output (with key)- http://bud.recongamer.com/deathball/dbstats.txt
UT2004's Stats output- http://bud.recongamer.com/deathball/utstats.txt
edit#2 - And finally here's the match as logged and displayed by the automated site: http://s88106402.onlinehome.us/utstats/ ... match=4775

If you're trying to decipher it with me, I think the unexplained player #s are when people are in spectator mode during the replay after a goal.

edit: posted at unrealadmin about how chat logging is affected by this. http://www.unrealadmin.org/forums/showt ... #post41596
I am thinking El Muerte will agree what I'm thinking - that Deathball bears the responsibility of keeping the log straight.
Last edited by Imaginos on 18-09-2004 18:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Imaginos »

Yikes. More theories..
As I'm parsing the ut2k4 log manually, I'm seeing more strange things that suggest that Deathball isn't keeping things straight at all.

During Replays, player and spectator connects are not passed to stats logging correctly. They are noted by the clientside log though.

Acording to the deathball clientside log, the following people were in the server as noted:

n0rma **did not appear in stats! **
The_One **did not appear in stats! **
Zzzt - spec only
Vador **did not appear in stats! **
[AA]UnReAl[FFs] **did not appear in stats! **
SuperBitch - spec only
TheKrudKutter - spec only
n00b - assumed to be "player"
Capadona - spec only
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Post by priior »

lol nuts
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Post by Imaginos »

Looks like my initial findings may not be Deathball's fault after all.

According to some of the guys behind UTStatsDB, there's a long-standing bug in Epic's stats engine that causes phanotm players and in their opinion looks exactly like the example I posted. I am making a switch to OLStats 3.0rc1 and seeing if that makes any difference.

I'm really excited that we may be able to get stats off the ground and stay compatable with the rest of the UT2004 world.
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Post by Imaginos »

I slapped up a little poll to gauge how the community feels about stats and how much effort we should put into getting them up and running.


It's a 2-part poll where you can answer both issues with 2 clicks in the same window. Please take a moment to share your thoughts.