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Calling All Level Designers

Posted: 10-09-2004 22:24
by BrileyPS
Hey guys, I'm sure you know by now that I will be redoing all of the on and so on, and revamping the look of deathball to make it look as good as it plays. But unfortunately being the only artist on the team, I can't do it all.
So here is where I would like to ask for the help of our community, and see what we can create. If you are serious about creating some levels for the game, respond to this thread and show some examples of your work. Hope to hear from you guys, and thanks in advance for your support.


P.S: Please note, again I need serious if your just able to make a box..thankyou but we'll need more that that:)

Posted: 10-09-2004 22:27
by fro
Is this a request for textures or actual levels (or both)?

What kind of look are you aiming for?

Posted: 10-09-2004 22:30
by BrileyPS
Hey fro, I was thinking mainly the geometry for the levels, and I would help out with more difficult objects and textures. Pretty much a collaboration, with me leading, just to help on the my I'm limited on it.


Posted: 10-09-2004 22:33
by Shev.npu
hey, well weve known that redoing things in here creates problems, i hope there wont be. gl

Posted: 10-09-2004 22:47
by BrileyPS
Problems or not, the art will be redone..the game needs it.


Posted: 10-09-2004 23:04
by fro
Iv got a some maps that i have made (badly) and probably should sort out, ill try and take some time out next week to sort them out and have another try at improving them.

I hope that this allows the community brings in some new ideas, and some more ideas/input from more mappers outside the community. gl dude :)

Posted: 11-09-2004 01:06
by sergeantduke
Well, I've made some maps, although I can't say they were much good. I'm currently learning Maya so that I will be able to create my own content. Unfortunately, I had the bright idea of upgrading to Maya PLE 6.0, which doesn't have a plug-in for UnrealEd yet. :confused:

Edit: Here's links to the threads of maps I've done for DB.
Grounded (lighting, sound, emitters)
Vortex (everything but the basic layout)

Posted: 11-09-2004 02:32
by Twigstir
The basics of a deathball map is a box. It's all the other stuff that makes it look and feel good. And it's that other stuff that really drives the map.

Texture's, static's, and imagination are the essentials of a map's foundation. So what are you really looking for? The more information you provide, the more likely we'll know if we can be assistance or not.

Posted: 11-09-2004 07:17
by Scotteh
^what he said

Posted: 11-09-2004 09:16
by Rino
Hey Briley m8,
I can't wait for your new fucking models :D
Well, btw this is a map with a kind of cyberpunk or post nuclear atmosphere... But of course it needs its own meshes \ texture to be in compliance with the rules and for being ncluded in any db version.

I see you need help...
I can make skin | textures but i don't think i'm enough good to help with it. But if you need, just let me know.


Posted: 11-09-2004 16:08
by BrileyPS
Hey guys, sorry david moved the thread to the correct forum, and I coudn't find it. I'm basically looking to see who has some skill that I can have help me make the maps more kick ass. Rino has the right idea by sending me a map, or if you guys have some textures let me see those also. We will start with making the maps we have better, and when those are done add down the road. If you guys can take pictures of what you have..that will also be a big help, as I'm not looking to see how the map plays, but rather the art behind it. Hope that helps.

Art Czar

Posted: 27-10-2004 00:54
by Twigstir
BrileyPS, I'll give you a few ideas on a few things that I would love to add to my maps but don't have the skills to do.

I'd like to add a wall deco texture or static above each goal. Along the lines of your ball skull. One that has red glowing eyes and one that has blue to highlight the team goals.

I would also like to add a skull deco to the center ball spawn.

For the goal - I'd like to have the very center of the cross bar have a skull deco. I'd like to have lit areas on the posts to show team colors and highlight the goal. I like goals that fit into the wall and don't have a net.

For the Pbox lines - I'd like something that looks like it was layed down on the field and lights up in team colors.

To get a better idea of what I'm talking about see these links to see what I currently have, and the above is where I'd like to be as far as lines and goals go.
Blue Ridge - has my hex goals (Davidm hates them, but many like them):

I'd also like some more brick/stone textures for walls and floor. Stuff that would fit the look of your model.

As an Art Czar - If you could help develope more options for mappers to use, we can up the looks of our maps. Many of deathball current mappers don't have the skills to make textures and meshes and we are limited to existing content.

Posted: 27-10-2004 06:27
by aevirex

do you like it? well i can do visuals by my own, but if you want to add something cool or whatever, tell me.

Posted: 28-10-2004 23:01
by DavidM
looks funny

well the rock texture is mine, and that pillar looks like one from chill (!?) right?

well mainly you have to avoid meshes that are not by us.
gameplaywise we need something thats size-wise between smallcube and cube. we do not need one of these again. whats the size of this?
we'd need something thats 6144 (!) units long and 4608 (!) width

Posted: 29-10-2004 06:10
by aevirex
it is exactly 6144 x 4096 :P

in metres 117 x 78 (the whole thing divided through 52.5)

scaling it up to 4608 would be no problem.

there are no static meshes that are not by me or by redfox(the support thing). on one screenshot you can see a flying thing, it shall be the announcer thing, but now i loathe it.

well, textures, the scaled up albatross wall texture is quite cool, but i hate the trim(the one, that adversity already had!).