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Epic boner pack released ...

Posted: 12-03-2003 07:50
by L33FY
I dunno if this is recent but I saw it posted on wolf 4 hours ago...

News and download:


Posted: 12-03-2003 09:45
by night
...... nice of epic to offer, but ive already got a boner pack :eek:

wont be released to the public though....

Posted: 12-03-2003 10:02
by fro
mmmm, it will be all mine in one hour and 8 minutes....

Posted: 12-03-2003 14:10
by Imo
~725kb/s from :)

Posted: 12-03-2003 16:36
by DavidM
more high quality professional epic maps like the retail ones ;)

Posted: 13-03-2003 07:26
by Z_Man
Great maps, plus the Invasion gametype is great :)

Oh yeah not to mention the new announcer sounds, now I don't have to listen to tony the tiger...


Posted: 13-03-2003 11:30
by Insidious {FCU}
Damn i lub Epic...
Very kewl maps...(this is real mapping people;) )
Very kewl announcerz...
Invasion pwns u all!!!
Mutant is kinda wierd :rolleyes:..
LMS is....hmmm...boring...:cool:
Thats kinda it...

Posted: 13-03-2003 16:02
by mannyfresh027
invasion kicks ass
mutant is okay
LMS sucks so far

some new maps are great
some are alright
1 just plain sucks (rustatorium looks good, but the gameplay is SO bad)

aroused announcer is weird, i wont use it
wont use female announcer either
evil announcer is good, but some of the events still use default voice

ogg player is good :D

favorite thing: invasion. that gametype kicks ass

Posted: 13-03-2003 16:03
by Maegrim
what's ogg player?

Posted: 13-03-2003 16:05
by DavidM
0 playable maps
2 ok looking maps

a bunch of stolen unoriginal "new" play modes

great pack :|

Posted: 15-03-2003 00:48
by =KeX=Tank-Bird
ut1 still kicks ut2k3's ass at all...maps, gameplay...all...ok not graphical^^

Posted: 15-03-2003 02:02
by Surge
gee ut2003 has been out less that a year, what do you want?

Posted: 15-03-2003 10:41
by DavidM
a game that is as fun as UT was right after it came out?

you dont honestly think they'll improve this...
i know epic, they couldn't be bothered...
and until now they didn't manage to make one good map for this game, and this wont change :|

Posted: 15-03-2003 12:19
by fro
they couldnt improve on ut (ok, maybe some minor bugs here and there), so they made a different game.

the main strength of unreal titles is the third party mods/muts/maps.

there are already some kickass maps for ut2k3, and some not too shabby mods...

but atm, like the first 6 months of ut, most of the maps suck.

Posted: 15-03-2003 13:46
by Surge
imo most of the DB maps suck... i guess the only difference between the DB team and epic if that Epic actually tries to fix bugs instead of screwing up solid gameplay

::rolls eyes::