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Hummer reset
Posted: 07-09-2004 18:33
by Fragger
WAs playing in a pu a moments ago,and suddenly i got a message fro console saying "Hummer reset". I didnt get any bugs or anything after that,just wondering what is was..
Posted: 07-09-2004 18:36
by Catalyst88
I'd imagine it's debug code in the hammer.
Posted: 07-09-2004 18:37
by Sixty
Uhm it's 'Hammer Reset' and I got it too.
Right after you release the ball your hammer stops working and just charges {edit: only 1 time, mb} (1.6 shootbug). Then about 4 seconds later, the 'Hammer Reset' appears on the right, and your hammer functions again.
Posted: 07-09-2004 18:38
by DavidM
i had it once, i was charging when i was hammering someone away, but the sound didnt repeat. and right after it the hammer was fine again.
i dunno all the code,
i guess it detects that the hammer is broke and resets it to make it work again.
Posted: 07-09-2004 18:42
by Onge
I got this too...The hammer seemed fine before and afterwards....
Posted: 07-09-2004 21:50
by Ashleh
ive also had that, twice "hammer reset" ... hummer lol
Posted: 07-09-2004 23:31
by Sqleaf
I've had it too. For some reason I am getting a gun-bug allot more often than any previous version. Dunno if thats because of the debugger or re-coding of the ball launcher. Either way a "Gun reset" is a good idea at the moment.
Posted: 08-09-2004 00:38
by The_One
I was playing on a non-dedicated server and I was getting hammer bugs all the time. I couldn't volley or shoot. When I caught the ball I had to wait about 5 seconds for the shoot bar to appear and about the same time for it to go when I eventually managed to spill the ball out.
On the dedicated servers this only happens occasionally. Could it be a server CPU load issue or somthing?
Posted: 08-09-2004 03:26
by priior
once i got a hammer reset.. i kept on getting it.
over and over.