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a day in irc!

Posted: 07-09-2004 11:24
by xiller8r
* Ashira has joined #teamuk
(Ashira) hay dave|work
(Ashira) mind if i get my name back?
* Ashira is now known as dave|working
(dave|working) hello?
* khaos is now known as KhAoS
* Gast has joined #teamuk
(Bonesaw) teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwkay
(dave|work) lol
* SINGH|ION has joined #teamuk
* Q sets mode: +o SINGH|ION
(dave|work) dave|working sorry
(dave|work) lol
(dave|working) =)
(dave|working) been tracking you down
(dave|work) lol ;p
(dave|work) you can have it back sorry;p
* dave|work is now known as xill|work
(dave|working) thanks dave
* dave|working is now known as dave|work
(Satty_P) :S
(xill|work) np dave
(xill|work) lol
(dave|work) =)
(dave|work) adios
([Away^240]) lol
(xill|work) ciao
(dave|work) you guys gonna get a world of warcraft clan/guild?
(xill|work) no idea
(xill|work) ask
(dave|work) =)
* dave|work leaves
* dave|work has left #teamuk


Posted: 07-09-2004 12:06
by [1234]Jr
...I hope theres a sequal!

*gets off the edge of his seat*

Posted: 07-09-2004 12:31
by FireCell
Wow, what can i say :o
You left me with so many questions, where did Dave come from? Where is he going?

Posted: 07-09-2004 13:03
by xiller8r
all will be revealed...some day

Posted: 07-09-2004 15:36
by [1234]Jr
I smell a trilogy.... maybe a prequal set!

Posted: 07-09-2004 15:58
by speedy

Posted: 07-09-2004 16:27
by Shev.npu
speedy stop spamming ¬_¬



Posted: 07-09-2004 16:31
by Messy
It was so scary..I think I'll read the end some other time >_<

Posted: 07-09-2004 17:13
by BlackFlame
so there were 2 daves? in one IRC channel? sorry this story is too unbelievable

Posted: 08-09-2004 02:03
by PHiLø
OMG I GET IT!! one had the other ones name!!!

Posted: 08-09-2004 02:07
by PHiLø
i peeled an orange once..

Posted: 08-09-2004 04:45
by Maegrim
and it infested your ugly sig afterwards?

Posted: 08-09-2004 05:44
by priior
did u cut it first?

Posted: 08-09-2004 08:15
by PayLay
dave ... david ... davidm ... .... A_A!!!

Posted: 08-09-2004 13:47
by [GR]Kermit
wtf a working dave?